
What are u suppose to do when ur husband trys to meet women online and flirts and u catch him but he still doe?

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What are u suppose to do when ur husband trys to meet women online and flirts and u catch him but he still doe?




  1. couples counseling  

  2. U R supposed to be more fun and interesting than the girls who he is trying to meet.  try sending him flirty emails at work... when he responds, engage his mind with more elaborate messages.

  3. He would be out the door....And I would NOT let him return.

  4. ummm divorce

  5. let them have him.

  6. Tell him one final time that if he does it every again he might as well pack his bags. If you find out that has done it again then pack his bags for him. He's a loser and you deserve better.  

  7. Is he acting on these things?  Find out why he's doing it.  Tell him it hurts you.  If he keeps it up go for counseling.

  8. let him have fun

  9. how you respond to this will determine what he will do.  

  10. Hi...

          This must be so difficult for you...He must need attention...and maybe that attention is from you, but he does not know how to ask...also the fact that he has tried to hide this from you is a warning...unfortunately he will continue guarding this behaviour until he realises how much this is hurting you...what he need's is to realise what this is doing to you and your relationship...this is reffered to as emotional cheating...and it hurt's just as will know when you have had enough...and how far he has really gone with this...If he regards this as harmless flirting...he is wrong! If you have wedding photo's leave them so he can see them...write down in a letter how you are feeling and how he must be feeling...ask him if you have let him down in some way...write from your heart... and let him read it...remind what he may be giving up..i really wish you the best...take care tracy

  11. I'd leave but thats me! He obviously isn't happy w/ what he has at home an believes the grass is greener on the otherside so I'd let him go an check it out for himself!!

  12. im not sure i guess tyr 2 work it out my friend

  13. You are supposed to divorce him.

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