
What are universities looking for when considering a candidate for a tenure-track History Lecturer's position?

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What are universities looking for when considering a candidate for a tenure-track History Lecturer's position?




  1. Today universities are looking for four things:

    1. Potential for a highly visible and prestigious resesarch program that over time will make the prof into a "world class star". This is important not just in the abstract, but because it will affect the department's reputation within the university, and hence the flow of funds to the department. It helps if the historian is in a field currently regarded as "hot," but this is less important if the depaertment needs to fill in some important but uncovered area. This changes from year to year: I would imagine that this year Middle Eastern, Chinese, and other in-the-news areas might still be uncovered and hence wanted.

    2. Previous publications. The universities of today are no longer hiring scholars without a publication track record. The publications matter: an "A" level journal will mean a lot more than those with limited prestige. Rejection rates will count a lot; publications in journals with high ones will be viewed much more favorably.

    3. A record of external research funding. As the proportion of the operating budget handled by research and state subsidies decreases,  profs who can add to the research overhead support become increasingly important. Even applications for funding which are pending, or rejected, will get attention.

    4.  In my 41 years as a prof I never once saw any attention to teaching in a search committee. The only consideration was getting a prof who could cover a particular area; hence, see #1 above. However, in the search for internal funds departments are always interested in serving their majors and grad students well, and hence attracting more students and tuition money. So experience or interest in running extra-mural research projects, clubs, events, conferences or other services to students will be viewed favorably. But this will be considered only after the first three.

    Bottom line. Choose or "frame" your area carefully, and be certain to make it fit the search committee df. of what it wants. Publish chapters of your dissertation in the best journals you can. Apply for external funding even if you don't think the chances are good and make this application visible. Do events with undergrads and masters students or at least have a few useful ideas for how you would serve them.

    Good luck to you.  

  2. Reputable advanced degree with focus on courses to be taught, successful teaching experience, proven research or potential for proven research.  Good references and good interview can bolster weaknesses in any one of these, but not across all of them.

  3. Brilliant scholars from ivy league and other top programs.  

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