
What are ur thoughts of this drug?? opinions??

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what are ur thoughts about marijuana? is it really all that bad? should it be illegal? i mean u hear all the time of people gettin killed becuz they were drunk or by a drunk driver but u never hear of someone getting killed because they, or someone else was high.. so if marijuana is illegal why isnt achol? what are ur thoughts?




  1. marijuana is same thing as any other legal drug like achol. Any type of drug shouldnt be legal it will just ruin your life but weed isnt addictive like other over the counter drugs cigarettes and beer. I guess weed is better than drinking beer or smoking cigs

  2. i ask myself that same question everyday. the well known drug marijuana has done many great things for me (besides getting me high) it has made me less angry about things over time, I also have anxiety disorder and since smoking alot I have not been nearly as nevous in everyday situations (even when im not high)...this drugs has not only helped me but alot of other people I know too. in my opinion it should be legal =)

  3. no it should be legal it would save the public a lot of money because it has lots of medical benefits that would save money for health care from over priced prescriptions from drug company's

    it would save more money spent on the people who are locked up for it in jails and prisons

    the money saved could be used for education which would in the long run would save more money

    it is not addictive because i use to smoke a quarter bag a day i quit cold turkey i never had no with drawls from quitting and i smoke for years

    and the money saved could be spent on fighting harder drugs which would also save money and cut down on other criminal activity.

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