
What are values and morals at child care centres???

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what are the values and morals of a child care centre??????????? please help i need to no for tafe




  1. basically be nice and occasionally ask "what would you like to do now?" or something like that

  2. They keep your kid safe from one point in time to the next-most will feed your child, allow them exercise and a nap- they teach nothing but say please and thank you and are devoted to nothing but your money. Their values are capitolism. If you want your child to have values and morals-you better draw up a lesson plan.

  3. All children need to be encouraged to share and say please and thank you. There is no spitting or smacking or shouting.

    Is this what you meant?

  4. child care centers follow the Code of Ethics for Families, the Child Care Act and Child Care Regulations.

    All of these state that:

    children are each unique and individual and must be respected as such.

    children learn in 5 main developmental areas, which they develop at their own pace through experiencing Play.

    all children must be protected from Harm.

    Cultures of children must be respected, honored and celebrated.

    Staff must form close relationships with the parents in order to create effective communication and continuity of care for the child.

    All families must feel welcomed into the centre to communicate, settle, participate, suggest and observe at their leisure.

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