
What are variables and controls?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i have this assignment. im only young. year 8. and we have too create an experiment

my experiment:

does colgate simply white whiten your teeth

and does tooth-staining foods affect it.

so i have

me (the control)

eating no teeth staining foods

then theres my mum

having all the teeth staining foods

in the assignment for the procedure

methods section

it says

Logical order with numbered steps (EASY)


It says

controls included and correct.

variables included and correct


many thanks to anyone that answers this





  1. Well, there are three types of variables- independent, dependent and controlled, I'm sure you're familiar with those.

    If you change the value of the independent variable, the dependent variable will automatically change as well. Controlled variables are values that you must keep the same in order to maintain a fair test.

    What is your procedure/method for your experiment? Without it, you can't exactly tell what the variables are!

    Email me if you want more help!

    Good luck! :)

  2. 3 types of variables:




    Controlled: the variable or the things you control e.g. the type of tooth brush used must be the same, the amount of water used to rinse, how long you brush your teeth for must be the same etc.

    Independent: The variable that you change e.g. the different type of staining foods and different type of non-staining foods.

    Dependent : The variable that you measured. This would be a little hard for you but some things that you may write is e.g. 30 ml of water used for each rinsing measured with a measuring cylinder.

    Good Luck!

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