
What are variables in an experiment?

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  1. the variables are the things that change during the expiriment and the things you do to the object you're expirimenting on

  2. Let's say that you are conducting this experiment: You don't water a plant and observe the growth of that plant.(This is an easy example though)

    There is the independent variable- ( time). The variable that doesn't depend on anything. For example time doesn't depend on anything.

    There is the dependent variable- (the growth of the plant). The growth of the plant depends on the time, water it was given, the sunlight.

    The control group- If you don't water one plant and want to observe the growth of it, you also need to observe another normal plant that you will water, so that you could compare the growth of the experiment plant that you don't water to the normally watered plant.

    There you go.

    Here is a note: You have to place the independent variable (time) on the x-axis and the dependent variable(growth of the plants) on the y-axis.  

  3. A variable is any entity that can take on different values.

    this pretty much means that mostly anything can be a variable such as things like temperature or the height or weight of something. the amount of sun a plant gets. anything like that would be considered a variable.

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