
What are various exercises to increase pitching velocity from 70 - 90 mph or more at age 30 or more?

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I am constantly wondering what are the various types of workouts or drills to help me achieve this goal , but how often do I perform them within a week? Lastly, don't anybody say that dreams are not possible to become a reality!!




  1. K.B. has made a false statement. it is well reasoned but long toss is a great way. do what one poster said and bring up Jaeger sports on youtube and you can see how throwing long 300 plus feet equates to 90+ mph arm strength. basically, you are stretching your arm out ,giving it a chance to repetively maximize torque (or bare down).  Basically, when you are throwing a ball up at a 35 or 40 degree angle all you are essentially doing is throwing a real high fastball so yes it helps alot, although so does alot of fastball throwing from a mound.

  2. theres this program called Jaeger and first ur supposed to do arm circles u do 10 and then u do the circles bigger and bigger and 1 more time bigger forward then u go backwards bigger bigger and bigger. Then u use this thing called the J-Band that Alan Jaeger created himself. It's supposed to stretch ur muscles so that u can throw faster. If u buy the J-Band it comes with a dvd and then it will give u intstructions on how to use it. After u do the J-Band ur supposed to do long toss and get ur arm up! Ur supposed to do it every day. Im too lazy to do it though

  3. i would realy work out my upper back, sholders, rotator cuff, and wrist to get it faster. and to do alot more stretching.

  4. Do a lot. Like some weight lifting may be ok but remember your building for density their not size and weight. Long toss is a could way for you to get your stamina and arm strength up. Probably long toss would be one of the best.

    Just going out and pitching everyother day would be good. but don't pitch if your sore. Flat ground bullpen sessions. Also everyone has some MPH built in them somewhere but they need to fix their mechanics. Also if you could take a longer stride without messing up your mechanics or make a lot of momentum it will also help. Im sure if you did all these for about a year you arm would improve a lot. Maybe you don't have it in you to throw 90 but work on it. And remember from 70mph it will probably be easy to get it higher but i will probably be a lot of years ahead of you to get it to 90. Im sure if you got a lot of time in tho you may be albe to get to high 70 lows 80s really soon.

  5. Longtoss WILL NOT increase velocity. In fact it can have the opposite effect that you desire. This is NOT my opinion it is a Scientific fact. (Mills and Rushall Ph.D.,R. Psy The Science and Art of Pitching)

    The best way for you to increase velocity and performance is get as much mound time as possible. Work on being more explosive in your movements and cut out any movements that slow your momentum to the plate.(i.e. exaggerated leg kick or turning to center field) I suggest you look into this book "The Science and Art of Baseball Pitching" it is backed by years of actual studies and science .

    From 8.2 of The Science and Art of Baseball Pitching: "Total actions (e.g., those to be used in a competitive setting [ie. pitching]) need to be practiced. The partial or isolated training of movement segments (e.g., long-toss, resistance training) would not replicate the unit function in the total action [it's not the same as pitching from the mound]. Thus, once techniques (total response patterns) are being refined, partial practices will serve no purpose other than to learn another movement. There should be no intergration of the partial practice movement into the total response movement once an individual-determined level of skill competency is reached. The only way a highly skilled pitcher can improve his pitching, is to practice pitching. No axuiliary training activities will contribute to skill enhancement once the skill has achieved a resonable level of proficiency."

    The specificity of movement patterns and control is a scientifically established principle of human exercise. There has been no wavering on this scientifically validated phenomenon over the past century, although minor theoretical incursions have been attempted. The training of the pitching skill and its variants has to be specific and hole.

    The key is that baseball pitching is overwhelmingly a skilled acitivty. Every long-toss throw replaces a throw that could be made from the mound while working on perfecting better mechanics, stimulating game conditions, and mentally focusing and rehearsing the very refined and difficult skill of hitting the glove with all pitches.

    Strength in the throwing shoulder is equal with the strength in the non-throwing shoulder (Sirota, Malanga, Eischen, & Laskowski, 1997). Ellenbecker and Mattalino (1997) also showed there were no differences between both shoulders in isokinetic work in professional pitchers. Strength did not differentiate the throwing arm and non-throwing arm and therefore, is an element that is irrelevant for pitching. It shows that strength in the throwing shoulder is not that important (for velocity) because it is no different to the non-throwing shoulder.

    Henry and Whitley (1960) studied the relationships between arm strength, speed, and mass. They found no relationship between static and movement strength. The explanation for their findings was that neuromuscular patterns are specific for all forms of movement and unrelated to static strength

    The jager thing is rubbish. How does stretching your muscle make you throw faster? It is proven that stretching reduces strength and explosiveness. It is also proven that once you have matured long-toss does not help velocity. It has only been falsely attributed to velocity gains in young and inexperienced pitchers who were gaining velocity from maturing and refining their mechanics.  I sent them an e-mail and asked them what scientific proof they had(since he has been around 15 years) that any of what they sell actually works....he had none. Yet he has plenty of pros willing to take his money to promote his stuff as if it helps them. Belief based coaching.

    I will leave you a few links to check out on your own.


    matt can you say that I have made a false statment when I have scientific evidence to support what I am saying and all you and Jager sports have is opinion? Please show me some proof of long toss improving velocity. Barry Zito is a client of Jager sports and his velocity is down 15 mph , yet he  is still doing long toss. Please post a link to some evidence and not a belief. If you can't then stop advocating long toss and jager sports and quit telling people that I have made a false statment.

  6. wrist strength/ snap of wrist at delivery = speed

  7. everybody answer this

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