
What are various ways to increase pitching velocity from 70 - 90 mph or more at age 30 or more?

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I am constantly wondering what are the various types of workouts or drills to help me achieve this goal , but how often do I perform them within a week? Lastly, don't anybody say that dreams are not possible to become a reality!!




  1. the blonde dude beat me to it ..

  2. theres this program called Jaeger and first ur supposed to do arm circles u do 10 and then u do the circles bigger and bigger and 1 more time bigger forward then u go backwards bigger bigger and bigger. Then u use this thing called the J-Band that Alan Jaeger created himself. It's supposed to stretch ur muscles so that u can throw faster. If u buy the J-Band it comes with a dvd and then it will give u intstructions on how to use it. After u do the J-Band ur supposed to do long toss and get ur arm up! Ur supposed to do it every day. Im too lazy to do it though

  3. roids or human growth hormones.

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