
What are ways Congress can help the American People during the tough economic times?

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Right now, America's economy is facing challenging times. With some states having stronger economies than others, foreclosers on homes is at a alltime high. Plus, everything is costing more today. American's are paying more for gasoline, more on the utility bills, more for the children to attend college, and more on medical expenses.

Right now, Congress is proposing giving tax rebates to Americans to jumpstart the economy and are finding ways to stop foreclosers on homes and to find solutions to help American's pay their expenses easier?

In what ways do you believe Congress can help the American People by getting the American Economy back on track so that America does not go into a recession?




  1. In 2001 a rebate was offered ($600),the economy was boosted quickly but very short term,so in 2003 Bush and  Congress  passed a temp tax cut the economy even in war time boosted massively (15% increase I believe)The economy minus waste and war spending would still be good .

    Rebates are not the answer.Stop the waste ,make the cuts permenant ,and when we can get out of Iraq.

  2. Secure the border and stop businesses from hiring illegals.Lower our taxes by passing a law that prevents illegals from access to social services, healthcare and other expensive programs at the expense of the tax payer.

  3. 1.  Stop sending 2 billion a week to fight the war in Iraq.  Bring the troops home. 2.  Spend a significant part of that savings on boosting education, particularly in applied science and mathmatics.  3. Spen a significant part of it to sponsor research on energy generating from renewable sources, and some more on environment protection so that the US will become the world leader in those technologies.  4.  spend some on the clash between palestinians and Isreal.  Peace in the middle east will not come until that problem is resolved.  The US must take the lead and the high road.  Isreal will object but will go along because the country 's populas is ready for a new way. 5. Spend the rest on US infrastructrue rebuilding.  We have bridges and levees all over the country that need repairing.  Stop the Republicans from talking about tax cuts.  We have tax cut ourselves into a debtor nation made up of debtor citizens.

  4. I think that the rebates are a great idea. For example...I plan on purchasing new appliances that are more energy efficient with that extra money so that I can pay less for my electric and water bill every month. Also, a low flat tax should go into effect to insure that people are keeping more of the money they work for.  I also believe they should try and have more tax free weeks throughout the year to encourage more purchase during the times of the years retail is slow.

    I also believe that people can't afford their homes anymore because to the increase in insurance prices, growing property taxes and utilities are causing these foreclosures...therefore they should try and establish a flat property tax depending on the price of the home not to exceed the amount they originally agreed upon during the closing. I also believe they should also give rebates to those that go out and purchase energy officiant products like they did with the 1.6 gal. toilet purchases they did in Florida last year.  Lastly, They should have a program like EDFUND that is a recovery section of the federal government that help restore your college loans but for Home Loans instead.

  5. I seem to recall some little event called the Great Depression and Congress didn't establish much of a track record there.  And they had 10 years to do it in.  I'm not confident in their ability now, either.

    I'm not a Bush basher, but the Military-Industrial Complex is a myth.  Vietnam didn't improve the economy, either under Johnson nor Nixon, and the economy took a nose dive when Bush Sr took on Iraq.

    While WWII did help end the Depression (by sending most working age men overseas), prosperity and affluence didn't kick in until the war was over.

    You want to kick start the economy?  Iraq IS one of the major causes of the problem.  The uncertainly is taking its toll on the stability of the Dollar, which causes concern over investments, which includes the price of Oil, and the domino effect is felt on the housing market, which makes companies pull back on risk, when makes investors even more jittery...

    This has been going on for 6 years, now.  It's not only Bush's fault, but shared by Congress, both Republican AND Democrat.  What can they do to solve a problem that THEY, themselves, have helped to create?  What is this, Comedy Central?

  6. Congress is the problem : too many special interests, obsession with re-election, earmarks and pork.

    Gasoline costs more because of congress : taxation, no legislation allowed to explore our own natural resources, no new refineries.

    This country can build an electric car or alternative energy car any minute. Congress won't allow it because the oil industry controls them.

    Home foreclosures were caused by major banks and mortgage brokers. Banks control Congress.

    This Congress cannot help the economy. By asking this question you are giving them too much credit.

    The Pharmaceutical industry controls Congress. Malpractice became a form of legalized extortion on physicians.The American Bar Association has more than 300 members in Congress. Not a good environment for honesty and character.

    I can't even count how many members of Congress are convicted felons ( but still receiving their pensions).

    Not much can be expected from this band of thieves.

    What can you possibly expect from a legislative body that has a lower turnover rate than the old Russian Politburo?

  7. They must chill on the colonoscopy.

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