
What are ways I can be sure to wake up on time?

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I've never been a morning person, mornings are really rough for me. I am taking an earlier class this year, and I will have to wake up at around 5:50AM. What are some tips to waking up on time when the last thing I want to do is get out of bed? I'm sixteen years old if that helps any.




  1. the Australian Bush Flower Essences combination called travel, helps to reset you clock so that waking up early will become routine.

    "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White

    ISBN-10: 073380

    Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences

  2. There are a couple of things that work for me; see what they do for you:

    *Negative parental reinforcement ("If you don't get up, such-and-such punishment will be dealt to you")

    *Setting your alarm for as loud as possible (that way, you will want to get up early just to shut the thing up)

    *Drinking a ton of water before you go to bed (you will wake up desperately needing to use the bathroom--incentive!)

    *Setting your alarm for about 45 minutes before you need to wake up (if your class is at, oh, say 6:30, and the ideal time you need to wake up at is 5:50, then set your alarm for 4:55; since most people like to lie in bed for a little bit after initially waking up, you can wake up long before you actually need to GET up, go back to sleep, and then get up when you need to, refreshed and ready to start the day)

    Hope this helps.

  3. MY father used to wake me up every morning for school with a cattle prod.  NO JOKE!!!  After about a month of that I never had trouble getting out of bed early again.  SERIOUS!!

  4. I set my alarm clock, my phone alarm and my ipod alarm (it's set in some speakers). Don't worry, once you get into the routine, your body will start to naturally wake up at that time!

    Just keep sleeping, because it is so vital, it makes you live your life at 100%!!!!

    Hope I helped :)))))

  5. I have my alarm clock on the other side of my room.  When it goes off, it is LOUD, and once I'm up I just drag myself into the shower to wake up.  Try it; it works!

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