
What are ways I can calm down before theater audition?

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If I have to sing for an audition or say a monologue I get SO nervous and my breathing is rapid and sometimes i mess up because of that. I cant seem to calm down and my hands shake and I got butterflies bad. I love acting thats what im going to major in and i'm really good so what could i do to calm down before an audition? its not that im shy its just i feel intimidated by the directors or the people you have to audition in front of. how can i calm down?




  1. No matter what you do, you'll never get rid of "Performance Anxiety" completely. But what you should be doing is working on finding a relaxation technique as a matter of routine training/practice. The whole big idea is to have a mechanism in place and working before you get into an anxiety producing situation (Acting for one).

  2. Many performers take Tenormin (a prescription medication) for symptoms of stage fright.  Talk to your physician and see if he makes any recommendations to you.

  3. a few minutes before you go on, rest your hand on your stomach right below your belly button and take deep, calming breaths in thru the nose and out thru the mouth. I think it's an old yoga technique. trust me, it works!

  4. If you have a CD player or an iPod, listen to some relaxing music. Make yourself a playlist of songs that you know will soothe you or are your favorites. I also like to keep something around my wrist like a rubber band to play with before the audition to get out my nervous energy. I do stretches, concentrate on breathing, and just try to visualize myself doing an AMAZING job and the judges absolutely loving it! Break a leg!

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