
What are ways i can go green at home!?!? Please list as many as you can! and try not to repeat others!?

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im a broke college kid! i eat as much organic food as i can buy on my budget...

what are some cheap things to do to be green!?!




  1. Compost what you can and mix the mulch into your garden.  Then grow your own vegetables.

  2. -Take the bus or ride a bike

    -Get clothes from thrift stores rather than the mall

    -Buy foods in bulk from food co-ops and use your own containers

    -Eat more vegetables, fruits, and grains rather than animal products

    -Try to eat seasonally (No strawberries in January)

    -Avoid highly processed foods like the plague

    -Read books or hang out with friends rather than watching TV

    -If you get a new computer, get a laptop rather than a desktop, and try and buy used

    -Don't buy bottled water

    -Drink less beer and drink local micro brews when you do (cost should balance out)

    Unplug your microwave when you're not using it (the electricity used to power the clock constantly is more than the microwave uses the few times you power it up)

    -Get power strips for your electronics to easily shut them all down and avoid unnecessary power drain

    -Do all the other stuff the other people have been telling you

  3. ~make as many cleaning products as you can instead of buying them.  i have always used the phrase : homemade laundry soap (or whatever the cleaner is)

    ~wear your jeans more than once

    ~hang dry clothes

    ~use vinegar instead of fabric softener (way cheaper)

    ~put essential oils on a cloth instead of dryer sheets

    ~ride a bike or walk as many places as you can

    ~grow your own spices

    ~turn off everything when you are done with it

    ~don't leave things plugged in if you don't need to

    ~turn down the heat and put on a sweater

    ~ turn down the air and take clothes off :)

    ~shower not bath

    ~shower with a friend :)

    ~turn down the temp on the water heater a couple degrees

    ~use gray water to water plants with

    ~buy what you have to buy in bulk

    ~make your own mixes such as pancake mix, biscuit mix etc

    ~make your own beauty products (your skin will thank you)

    ~don't wear makeup

    ~learn about container and square inch gardening

    ~encourage everyone you can to try the things you have tried that worked for you

    ~use backs of used paper for notes (i once made my stepdaughter a note book from backs of papers and the cardboard from a tissue box and she thought it was the "most beautiful note book" she ever got

    ~be creative

    ~reuse, recycle, reduce  in that order

    ~learn how to crochet plastic bags

    ~learn how to iron plastic bags together and make a reusable tote

    ~remember that going green doesnt have to be huge steps.  i like to think on small terms.  before i knew it i was doing sooo many more green things then i could have imagined

  4. -as for the homemade cleaning products, you can use different combinations of vinegar, baking soda, and lemon

    - use scratch paper to print out your homework

    - go volunteer planting a tree for your local tree planting organization

    - The real order of the three R's is: Reduce, reuse and recycle because reducing makes it so you don't have to do the other two, reusing takes less energy than recycling, and recycling is the last resort and should be done to prevent waste. Waste is a no no.

    - Replace your incandescent bulbs with a CFL bulb. If PG&E is your electricity provider, check out their website for a free CFL coupon.

    I'm just glad you want to be green! =) Join your green/environmental club in school.

    Have you thought about majoring or minoring in Environmental studies?

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