
What are ways that I can become less dull and boring?

by  |  earlier

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Well, reaching a stage where I am near breaking away from shyness and I really don't know what to say or how to react to peoples responses since I always stayed quiet and day dreamed to much. muahahaha

For that reason, I'm actually slowly and gradually loosing friends, 1 by 1. And this really hit me when one of my best friends from 5 years ago lost interest in me.... :( and well it's like we don't know each other now.

She was awesome and still is.

Anyways any tips! :)




  1. well maybe change yur style or your personality. ask your friends what they do with other friends to not be boring! talk to yur friends if they dont like you for who you are maybe there not true friends!  

  2. Coming from someone else who is shy...please don't be so down on yourself and try to change yourself for others.  You are who you are and if people don't like it oh well.  I only have a few people in my life who I feel comfortable to let loose with and I am getting to the point where that is ok for me...I don't need tons of friends I just need a few who I really love.  You are not dull or boring you are just reserved.  You seem smart and don't discount that about yourself.  

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