
What are ways that help you run the mile faster??

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I want to get better at running the mile, what is something I can do to help me run faster?




  1. Run every day. Join your school's cross country or track team. If not, then read Jack Daniel's Running Formula and set up your own plan for running. Most plans in his book take about 24 weeks to complete, but they result in greater endurance, stamina and speed. Also, if you don't have 24 weeks to train, you can shorten the program.

  2. practice practice practice...

    learn to breathe right and set a rhythm

    set a consistent speed for you to run the whole mile and maybe sprint at the very end


    and practice practice practice.

    oh and tie your shoes. that helps 2

  3. Run a hard pace the whole time, then kill it at the end. Sprint like crazy until you feel like you want to pass out.

  4. i listen to music,it keeps me going.

    think the whole time of for what your doing this. (like I'm doing this for... and ... and...  never stop, if ur out of reasons start at the beginning)

    watch your arm work. relax!

  5. turn it into a rythym.

    move your feet and arms rythmically, and breathe in your nose, out your mouth.

    try not to pant.

    remember that the only muscles you are using are your leg muscles!

    and don't quit, or start walking. keep up with it. you aren't going to explode!


  6. I used to have trouble running too, but then my dad showed me some great techniques to help me run faster here are some:

    1. Run on the balls of your feet

    2. Don't bounce up and down while running this slows you down. Run straight toward your objective.

    3. Pump your arms quickly and rhythmically.

    4. When you first start running take small footsteps and gradually increase the length of your step.

    Hope this helps

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