
What are ways the airport can be enviornment friendly??!?

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What are ways the airport can be enviornment friendly??!?




  1. I think they should mandate recycling bins for all those newspapers and magazines that pile up in the trash bins.

    And mandate recycling of drinking bottles and cans.

    Or, maybe they can provide a way of exchanging newspapers and magazines for flyers who need some fresh material without the expense.

    Thanks, that was a fun question to answer!

  2. Something that always really grinds my gears is watching planes be de-iced with excessive chemicals - certainly something more environmentally friendly can be devised.

    Inside the airport, many airports now have recycle containers - but signs should indicate specifically which items can go in which bins because often recyclable things end up in the garbage, while garbage ends up in the recycle bins.

  3. All airports should have recycle bins- one for paper, one for garbage, one for can/bottles since airport has lots of sheet.

    They should also have tire recycling for old tires which could turn into mat according to Discovery's Channel's "How to Made It"

    Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Airport has purchased environmental friendly Orion 07.701 Hybrid fleets.

    Every bus system should get hybrid buses, including Airport Buses.

  4. the only way to make the aviation industry green is to stop planes taking off in the first place.

    make an airport envrieonmnetally friendly by taking out the planes and making it inot a golf course maybe?  most other stuff is tokenism


    i've got it, rubber band powered planes like you have when you are a kid. that is such a good idea, i am well going to patent that.

  5. By not dumping their passenger's *leavings* on the ground. Hey! it could land on anything!

    Also, I think they should recycle. A lot of cans and paper get thrown away during the flight,

    and I think that they should just give the passengers their own cups instead of pouring a can of soda into a cup... which gets thrown away no matter what.

  6. Well by starters use safer disposal methods.  Most people after eating in an airport, throw away their plastic, glass etc containers in a garbage bag instead of a recyclin bin. The more unsorted garbage the more fuel will be needed to burn it, causing polution.

    Another idea, is having electric hand driers that run on battery instead of napkins in the bathrooms.  The fewer papertowels we use the less threes we have to cut down.

  7. I'd like to see airports become a little more nature friendly.  Obviously there is a limit, since airports do not want to attract birds.

    Still, instead of all of those strips of mowed lawn, that are virtually sterile of all life, they could do something else.

    Flowers that were bee friendly would be a great start.  A lot of the flowers we grow cannot supply bees, or birds with any food...they are just pretty to human eyes.  But there are many other types of flowers that could supply bees with a tremendous amount of food.  

    I don't think they should have domesticated honey bees either.  They should set up houses for wild bees.  They are very easy to attract.  Best of all, wild bees hardly ever sting.

    Really it's very hard to go above the level of bees in terms of nature that airports can support.  If they attract, or provide habitat for lizzards, fish, frogs, salamanders, ect, that will attract birds.

    Inside the buildings though, or in courtyards that will not attract birds, they could have lovely koi ponds, with of course living fish, and living plants.  I believe humans need to see, and have contact with beauty and nature.  The water from the ponds can be circulated out and used to water the flower areas for the bees.  The waste products from the fish is an exlent plant fertilizer.

    I'd like to see airports give $10 cupons to people who did NOT use airport parking, but instead rode one of those nifty shuttlebuses most airports have.  Hey, if I can ride a airport shuttlebus in my tiny town of 10,000 people, I'm pretty sure most people can find one to ride!  People should get a choice of to spend right there at the airport, or for $10 off their next flight, or to stores they might wish to frequent, or the choice to donate that $10 on the spot to the chairty of their choice.  Have several, from Humane Society, Breast Cancer, Make A Wish, ect.

    I really dislike all the tiny plastic bottle people must now carry, since full size is no longer available.  I wish airports would provide at a REASONIBLE PRICE, small travel kits of soaps, lotions and toothpaste, from companies like Burt's Bee Balm, Dr. Bronner, and other companies like them.  It's no cut down on the amount of little plastic bottles, but at least what they contain was made in a more earth friendly way.

    So many people have headsets now, with Ipods and such.  I'd like to see those items with a universal end, that fit in a universal jack.  That way on the long flights, people wouldn't have to use the silly and wastful plastic headphones, but could use their own.  The airline could figure out how to charge them for the privilage of listening to the movie on their own headphones.

    Give people soda in those half sized aluminum cans, instead of pouring half a can of soda into a plastic cup.  Then at least all the aluminum cans could be recycled, and no plastic cups would be generated.

    Talk to people on the "inside" who actually work at airports.  I bet they have a LOT of ideas how waste could be reduced.

    Frankly, with the way the world is using up oil, in another 70-100 years, it will not matter.  There will be no more oil for the average person to fly.  Only the EXTREMELY wealthy (1/10th of 1% of the people) will be able to aford to fly.  Heck, even Al Gore will be grounded at that point.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

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