
What are ways to keep a good marriage?

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What are ways to keep a good marriage?




  1. Overlook the stuff that irritates you. We're only human, after all.

    Set aside time just for each other, whether it's ten minutes a day or one night a week or one weekend a month.

    Be respectful always, say Please and Thank You, don't say anything you'll regret later.

    Remember that passion may come and go, but loyalty and a sense of responsbility towards each other should be present every minute of every day.

  2. Treat your husband or wife like you would treat somebody you're having an affair with.  It sounds crazy, I know but it works.  

    Meet secretly, send secret text messages, make love in secret places, buy flowers, special gifts, underwear, toys.

    Dress like when you wanted to impress him/her. Treat them like when you first fell in love.  

    Combine this with respect, loyalty and commitment and you will never look back.  

    It works!

    Try to understand and then to be understood...

  3. Communicate and enjoy the time together. My husband is very busy and stress at work. Every weekend we will go golfing together, which is our common hobby, and we always have a great time. On weekends, i usually prepare nice dinner so that we can sit down, relax, eat and talk.  

  4. Respect each other even when you're having an argument.

    Make sure the other spouse always know that they are loved.

    Make time to have fun together.

    Divorce is never an option unless there is abuse or cheating.

    And do what the person above me said....communicate always.

  5. Yes, communication is important, but also keep yourself in check.  Sometimes when we are angry about an issue (or sad) we come off putting our partner on the defensive, never do that.  Be understanding and respectful.  Compromise.  Treat them how you want to be treated.  

  6. communicate, communicate, communicate

    the good stuff, the bad stuff, and the ugly stuff (keep this at a minimum if possible)

    without good, strong communication the marriage is doomed

  7. communicate respect and trust! always make sure you keep the spark going and always make sure your spouse loves you!

  8. my husband and i set aside one night a week or at least every other week as "date night" we go out to eat and maybe a movie or ice cream or just a walk by the lake in our area park.....we treat each other with the upmost respect...and as said before lots of communication...if we have to disipline our children the decision is made mutually and voiced as a united front, so that the chidren cannot play us ....we tell each other everything and we just have fun together

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