
What are ways to keep the Circulatory System healthy?

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What are ways to keep the Circulatory System healthy?




  1. First would be doing a minimum of 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise everyday. It can be anything from walking, riding a bike, or using an elliptical. The key is to keep your heart rate up for that 30 minutes. Also eating a healthy diet with minimal fatty foods and lots of fruits and vegetables. Tomatoes in particular are very good for the heart. Last, not smoking.

  2. Hey! Here are ways in keeping ur Circulatory System Healthy!


    1. Minimize your salt (sodium) intake. Too much salt intake may cause the development of heart disease for people already suffering from high blood pressure.

    2. Get enough rest, sleep, and proper exercise.

    3. Avoid extreme anger, too much joy, too much excitement, and unnecessary fears. All these leads to severe circulatory disorders.


    1. Eat a balanced diet. A variety of food in ur daily meals will supply the necessary nutrients your body needs to be strong and healthy.

    2. Avoid fatty foods. Fatty foods contain bad cholesterol. Some fats form cholesterol deposits in the blood vessels.

    3. Avoid harmful drugs, cigarettes and alcohol. Alcohol intake can increase blood pressure and react with blood pressure medicati9ns. People who smoke and have high blood pressure may suffer from other diseases due to complications.

    4. Avoid crowded places to prevent catching cold or flu.


    1. Avoid standing or sitting for long period without stretching or moving around.

    2. To avoid any infection, treat cuts and other breaks on the skin at once.

    3. Wear loose clothes to avoid restriction of blood circulation.

    I hope I helped you out with my answers. My head is aching right now so I’m taking a rest for a while.

    --Official Arnela Mae

  3. exercise - healthy diet - and lots of water

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