
What are ways to make eyebrows grow (and fast)?

by Guest58759  |  earlier

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i want my eyebrows to be thicker, how can i make them grow (fast)?

thank you.




  1. there really isn't one, but you're looking at about 2 weeks.  in the meantime, use brow pencil and smudge it to give the illusion that they arent too ti=hin.

    good luckk x


  2. miracle-gro, works a treat....

  3. they take a LONG time to grow but just draw fake ones..IDK!?

  4. i would use maybelline define a brow.

    i've never used it, but define a lash is great!

  5. there isnt really a way to make them grow fast but if you completly let them grow out and pluck less the will look better.

  6. Im sorry to say there is no way yu can make yur ayebrowns grow. wat yu can do is wait till they grow at their own pase, or yu can use a dark brown eyebrow pencil to fill them in and make them look fuller and darker.

  7. Use eyebrown pencil

  8. I haven't heard of anything that would make them grow faster. You're going to have to let them grow out and not shape them until they are thick. But you can make them look thicker in the mean time.

    You can draw them in (very lightly and with small strokes) so they don't look like you drew them in.

    Or what I like to do is use mascara on them. I think this only works if you have dark hair though.

    Sorry I can't be of more help.

  9. There's no easy fix.  

    Try using a brow pencil to give the illusion of thicker brows while you wait.

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