
What are ways to not be naive?

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I think I am rather naive when it comes to dealing with interpersonal matters, like with boss, friends, coworkers, and guys because I tend to be accommodating. What are some good ways to crack down on bull sh*t or discover what people's true hidden agendas are? How do I read people better?




  1. First you have to be in contact with your own emotions and your inner self . Naive people are walking in their daily life with lots of blankets on their eyes ; because they had develop a way of protecting themselves ; but deep down ; its the opposite they hurting themselves

  2. It is not very bad to be trusting and positive towards other. Just think back to see if you are falling for the same con a second time. if so , you need to be more alert and less dreamy. There will always be someone who will try to take advantage of others. But one should not become suspicious and bitter because of that.

  3. You can still be light-hearted and not as naiive at the same time.

    I know what you're talking about. It took me years of experience to decode bullsh*t.

    Two clues:

    #1. When people contradict what they say or do (in an extremely non-neutral way).

    I'm not talking just about an isolated incident, but a pattern of incidents in which you observe/come to notice insincerity.

    Actions speak louder than words. Whatever people say, watch what they do, because what they do is what counts *the most.* (Emotions affect thinking/behavior).

    #2. Trust gut.

    If you have a nagging feeling about something, meaning, no matter how much you try to rationalize/analyze things to combat your negative emotions, yet, they still come up- your gut's trying to tell you something. It's an adaptive/innate behavior- you need to pay attention to!

    Lastly, just continue to be 'you.' Just be smarter and pay attention to the little things people say or do, because it's the small things that count. Not the big "showy" things people do to showoff or get noticed by.. it's the little things they say, and the little things they do TO you and FOR you which will clue you into whether or not the person is sincere, hence, not b.s.-ing.

  4. Be quiet but don't be afriad of yoou position in life you'll sell yourself out from fear.

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