
What are ways to show my wife (who is a stay at home mom) that I appreciate her?

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We have three kids, one baby and two preschoolers. How would a perfect husband act, and what would he do to show he loves her?




  1. there are a few ways to show her.always good to tell her.but perhaps give her a letter,telling her how much you love her, as a wife and a mother.could surprise her with a night in a hotel if possible,get flowers delivered while u r at work.give her a pampering session at a spa.

  2. how very sweet of you to even ask.

    just show her this question you posted for the world to see.  That would make me melt  : )

  3. there is a lot you can do. Let's see here goes...

    cook dinner ..even if you can't just try or order out and set it up

    you could pamper her one night a week. Draw her a bubble bath with candles and scented body beads for the water and have wine/champagne for her to relax and you can even put rose petals in and around the tub. (this is a great thing to do and will get you a lot of brownie points).

    Also, you could take the kids for a day and get her a gift certificate to a spa/massage parlor so she can have a relaxing day.

    Just telling her how wonderful of a wife/mother she is. Have roses sent to the house with a note saying how you feel.

    Those are a few.  Good luck to you.

  4. be kind and sweet and maybe sometimes take her out with out the kiddos.

    i wish i could be a stay at home mom when i get married.

  5. maybe give her a few hours to relax and not have to worry about the kids let her take a bubble bath..or treat her to a day at a spa get her nails/hair done!

  6. i was a stay home mom .to

    a little help with the kids when you get home remember

    just be cause she is not out in the world making money

    she does have a job taking care of kids cleaning going to the store making sure food is on the table when you get home so forth   make time for you and her once a week take her out  . give her a hug and a kiss when you come home  tell her she still as pretty as she was when you married her tell her you love her most of all tell her thank you for giving you beautiful kids give her a kiss and a hug tell her you just wanted her to know that you apprecitate every thing she does

                               and you must be a wonder full guy for even thinking of wanting to doany thing for her most men wouldn,t even think of this

    both of you need a night out a way from kids worries  so go have some fun go danceing out to eat     have fun you both feel better  

  7. You watch the kids while she gets a pampered spa treatment.  

  8. Wow, if you are really concerned about this issue, then I applaud you. Congratulations on becoming a better husband. You have already taken the first step. The worst thing you could do is treat her like routine or pattern, in other words, don't rely on her to clean,wash, cook, everything. Lend a hand. On your days off, you do the work and then take her out. Buy her flowers every now and then. Take her to get a foot massage or pedicure. Buy her a greeting card and tell her how much you appreciate her love and commitment to your family. She will love you more for it and she will never grow tired of it. Remember, this is by far the toughest job. Reward her now. Good Luck.

  9. flowers

    a night off - babysitter take her out - nice dinner movie dancing whatever


    when shes washing dishes surprise her with a hug and kiss and dont expect anything more

    send her to get a manicure/pedicure/spa on a saturday while you watch the kids

    buy her a pair of new shoes

    get her a gift card for her favorite store

    tell her to give you the grocery list, and YOU go grocery shopping (you may not have a clue what it is like to shop with children in tow)

    o and most importantly:  TELL her how much you appreciate her

    words go a LONG WAY

    actions even further

    you sound like a great husband

  10. Help her clean house

    Cook dinner

    Make her up a nice hot bath and watch the kids for her

    Tell her!!

    Buy her a little rose here and there

  11. Hire a sitter and take her out to dinner in a nice place.   In other word, get her out of her work location.

  12. Oh let me tell you a stay at home mom deserves time away from home and time away from the kids. Send her on a shopping trip and while she is gone clean house, do laundry, have supper waiting on her with kids already bathed and ready for bed so all she has to do is eat and make love to her wonderful husband....A+++++

  13. First be sure to tell her on a regular basis.  Make sure she knows how much you love her and that you still find her beautiful and s**y.  Second, provide her with the same kind of things a woman who works for a living would have.  Money of her own to spend how she wants, time to do things that don't involve the kids, and make sure the kids show that they appreciate her also.

  14. Wow, I wish I had someone like you!

    Honestly, reminding her you appreciate her is the thing possible. Always treating her with respect and never demeaning her position as the stay at home mom is priceless. Just always make her feel important and remind her she's the glue that holds your beautiful family together. Flowers and a romantic card are a simple way to show your appreciation. Be affectionate and randomly tell her she looks gorgeous. It doesn't take huge things to show you love and appreciate her.

    One thing though, that I think would be a huge hit... get a babysitter one night and take her on a date some where commemorative of the beginning of your relationship to let her know she still sweeps you off your feet.  

  15. Tell her that you appreciate her a lot. Help her around the house as often as you can. Don't let tiredness from work to be an excuse for you to exclude yourself from housework. You work from 9-5, but she works 24/7. It's amazing how when you see how simple things will make her so happy, example - a bouquet of flowers, her favourite snacks, taking her out for a movie or ice cream etc

  16. As a stay at home mom of 4 - give her time to herself! A spa day or even just a kids free break at home alone- you take the kids out for a little while! Little things are good to - laundry is a big deal at my house it takes forever to get done-you could help with the laundry! Help get the kids ready for bath time & for bed - tell her how much you love her & appreciate her & flowers a couple times a month wouldn't hurt!  

  17. Bring flowers.  Show her random signs of affection.  Hire a baby-sitter and take that poor woman away from the kids for a night.  Good luck.

  18. I don't know but i wish i had a guy that appreciated everything i do!!!!

  19. Help her out around the house a lot.  Or, on the weekend, send her to lunch or for a day out with some of her friends...or a day spa. This will be fun for her, but the REALLY good part is, have the whole house spotless, dinner at least planned and the kids fed and bathed when she gets home.  She'll have an excitment o****m!  If she doesn't, then she's too hard to please.  I wish my husband would do this stuff....I stayed home for 2 years with twins boys and he didn't even show interest in even trying to appreciate anything...all he did was come home from work, take a nap, and then ask me what's for dinner.  Don't do that!

  20. The biggest thing is to take an interest in her life.

    Even though she's not out working somewhere she's doing a heck of alot of work at home while you're gone.

    Make sure that you ask her how her day was, what she did.  Make sure if she wants to tell you a story about the grocery store or spilled milk, you listen.

    Also, make sure to take an interest in your kids and help out even though you've been gone all day.  They need you, and she might need a break after being with them all day long.  Let her take out the garbage while you feed the baby or something...even though garbage is no fun it'd be a change from the last 8 hours.

    Oh, and if you decide to buy her a gift...don't get her something to make the housework easier.  Get her a nice dress or jewelry...make sure to appreciate her role as a stay at home mom, but emphasize her role as your wife, too.


  21. get her a spa package if you can t afford giving her a vacation .. i am one trust me she needs massage and a make over and time off, alone .

    heck  she needs both the vacation and the spa package.

  22. Get a sitter, take her out for a nice evening doing something SHE likes, and a great dinner where people are waiting on her for a change, and tell her how much you love and appreciate her.  Then make sure every day you tell her how great she is doing, and try to give her a 30 minute break each day.  : )  It will de-stress her and make you both happier.

  23. Make sure you never stop flirting, for starters, especially with kids in the house.  Smack her bottom every so often when she walks by.  Randomly tell her how hot she looks to you, but just to her ear.  Leave her notes saying how much you appreciate what she does.  Give her a hot oil massage, and/or take a shower and wash her.  Take off with the kids from time to time, and let her have "her" time to do what she wants.

    Also, make sure you have a regular date night without the kids.  Help her clean the house (after all, raising the kids, and keeping the place clean IS a job).

    Sounds like you're already half way there though if you're interested enough to ask, my friend.  Good luck!

  24. Wash the dishes, do the laundry, bathe the kids, clean up.  Fix her a bath and light candles.  Tell her how much you appreciate all that she does.....RUB HER FEET.  Any of those things, she will love!

  25. You can surprise her with roses, a thank you card or sweet note/message. Tell her you love her daily, telling her she is doing a good job with keeping the house clean, tell her the food tastes good and thank her. It is the small things that matter.

  26. Everyone has wonderful suggestions and I agree with just about all of them. Most of all, the give her some money and send her on a shopping trip while you clean, fix dinner and handle the kids. When I go out, I stay and linger, hoping he will have the kids in bed before I get home so I can be sweet to him. Always hoping for that special phone call that says, I love you.

    Most of all, hold her and tell her that you appreciate how wonderful she is to the family and to you. Make her feel loved and cherished. Make her feel s**y and like the only woman in the world.

    Most of all, love her like you used to, before the rush of family and the duty of house got in the way.

  27. Take the family out somtimes, and get her a gift for no reasone somtimes too! Ask her how things are and if there are any changes with the kids (any new t.v shows for the kids, how are you doing at home, ect.) And always make sure you listen to her while she's talking. Also, tell her how your work is going (promotion, jokes you heard, ect.) And number one thing that you always have to make sure of is, TELL THE TRUTH!

    that's all i can think of! :)

  28. well... every woman is different so I can't tell you any specifics; but I can tell you a few things:

    *Massaging relieves a lot of stress/tension and always feels great.

    *Help her with the kids and housework; and maybe offer to take on all of the chores for a week to see what she goes through so you can "truly appreciate" what she does.

    *Thank her. Notice things she does and tell her that you couldn't live without her.

    *Be understanding and give her that few extra bucks every now and then to pamper herself. Even though she's a mom, she's still a woman. We want to feel s**y.

    *Sneak up behind her and put your arms around her, kissing her neck.

    *Surprise her: Throw s**y comments around about how badly you need her and how much she sets you on fire (during the day). When night comes; What this? A baby sitter surprise? We're going to dinner?! Tell her to throw something on, and that no matter what it is she'll still look sexier than anyone else in the room. After dinner, drive to the hotel room you rented. The hotel room should already be set up for a s**y night of loving.

  29. That is so sweet of you to think of that.  I think you should help out with some of the housework when you get home if you don't already.  Perhaps get some great scented bath bubbles and run her a bath when you get home, light some candles in the bathroom and let her take a nice bubble bath while you occupy the kids.  When she gets out maybe you could give her a back rub or something.  Also just tell her how you feel often!  Let her know how much you appreciate her.  Give lots of hugs.  Hugs are wonderful!

  30. Hire a college student ( one that you are not attracted to or a guy) and schedule one day every two weeks where he/she will take care of the kids one evening or day. Take her out to dinner or jump out of airplanes or something with just the two of you.

    Kids need to learn early that parents have lives, too.

    It is worth $100 per month.

  31. -Tell her how much you love and appreciate her

    -Give her flowers (for no other reason than to show her that you love her how much you love and appreciate her)

    -Take her on a romantic date

    -Take the whole family out (park, zoo, movie, beach, picnic, etc.)

    -Get home early from work as much as you can

    -Help her with her chores (I.e. change the baby's diaper even if it's not your turn...)

    -Send her a funny or inspirational text message once in a while

    -Ask her what she wants

    -And remember, you need not spend much for these... what's important is "it's the thought that counts..." (I.e. a single rose would just be as effective as a dozen roses; a walk in the park would be just as entertaining as a movie, etc.)

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