
What are we evolving into if cave men and ape before that now ..?

by Guest59374  |  earlier

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im torn thare adam to .




  1. All I can think of to say is this humorous quote: "If man evolved from monkeys and apes, then why do we still have monkeys and apes?"

  2. humans are constantly changing in subtle ways depending on one's surrounding environment. As humans develop more complex social networks and more technically demanding skill requirements, brain size will grow. As humans depend more upon sight over the other senses, eye sight will improve. As humans sit on the couch more, bodies will develop less muscle. Compare any aspect of life from what it was 2000 years ago and today, and you will find areas that humans are improving (or evolving).

    Add those changes over many thousands of years, and eventually we will look so different from what we do today that the homo-sapien species will be a distant ancestor.

  3. How the human race evolves will depend on what challenges we face, what factors cause natural selection to operate. While the human race does face challenges, e.g. global warming, none of these challenges seem to have created a situiation where certain humans are more likely to survive and procreate than others, so the human race would seem to be marking time, status quo ante, for the moment, i.e  the next few millenia.

  4. Actually, we were a fish like creature long before an ape like one, but...  Who knows what we'll look like one hundred million years from now?

    And DRAX, its for the same reason all dogs evloved from wolves and there are still wolves around.

  5. we may opt to: be bodily perfect human beings, connect our brains onto computer the matrix (movie) style, extract software which is individual identity (soul) and let it freely float in space or add "software body" and be ghosts, add mechanical parts and be cyborgs, transfer our identity software (soul) into body of animal (as a holiday trip) or into body of newly crated human being. civilization may also fall apart so we all end in barbarism. (for those who do not like the idea that we have evolved from apes - we also have evolved from sperm and egg. imagine it vividly if you feel that idea of humans originating from apes is too disgusting)

  6. Well, if the brain-mass to body-mass ratio continues to increase, then I guess we'll get smaller physically.

    But since evolution takes millenia, I won't be around to see it.

  7. ...perhaps a race of computers operators!

  8. Since we no longer rip meat off the bones of still warm animals (nor they to us) we are doing more thinking outside of our smaller primative instinctive brain and more luxury thinking, becoming more intellectually spiritual, lofty and creative.  With cloning, we can create life, a little like Gods ourselves now but shouldn't we also posess maturity, humanity and responsibility to some small degree?

    Our neocortex has grown 80% over the course of evolution.  This part of the brain controls social interaction, reasoning and other complex cognitive tasks.  The outcome of social interaction seems to be very important and an extremely  powerful evolutionary force (see resource)

    I am convinced we are growing into our brains.  We will develop the 75-90 percent we do not use and solve some of our problems.  We can expect to efficiently and creatively handle many of the challenges we throw our hands up at now.

  9. Earth Destroyers  

    Next Robots

  10. well next, all humans will probably have superpowers...which would be awesome!

  11. from physicallity determining our success to our brain.

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