
What are we going to do about global warming?

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Please give me ideas on what you think about it and what we can do!





  1. i think the human race is so lazy and dont think if they do something it will help. if everyone recycled, used those special light bulbs, take 5-10 minute shower or less who knows, or plant treets and stuff we would live in a much better place.

  2. I think with the current World Governments we have,we might just get fried up.Unfortunately.

  3. Oh, nothing special, just be amazed at all the rats running around in circles trying to figure out Al Gore’s maze. It Amazing to see if they figure out that the cheese is costing them a fortune.

  4. There's a tremendous amount of brain power on this one.  I'm providing a few links so you can see what's going on out there, and some of the solutions being put forth.  The next decade or so will be decisive.  Empower yourself by learning as much as you can and work on reducing your carbon footprint so you can become part of the solution, too.

  5. A good percentage of the population is doing nothing, unfortunately. People get brain washed into thinking its all fiction. And even is global warming isn't real (which I disagree) we should still be trying to help save our earth. I know I don't want to live in a galore of landfills, imagine having garbage pilled up everywhere.

    So you can:

    1)Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. People just say recycle, but reducing and reusing are just as important, even more actually.

    2)Switch your lightbulbs to more energy efficient ones

    3)Plant some trees, those are always good

    4)Drive less, and walk/bike more.

    5)Or even buy an extremely efficient car with good MPGs

    6)Take public transportation

    7)Use less water, take shorter showers, etc.

    8)Use a reusable bottle

    9)Buy eco-friendly products made out of recycled material

    10)Buy organic!!

    Anything that requires less energy than usual, and is reusing materials, is always good for the environment and helps on it's way to fighting global warming.

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