
What are we going to put in our time capsule? Where should we put it? How long should it stay encapsulated?

by  |  earlier

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I will attempt a start. 1. Forrest Gump Video. 2. 8 Track Tape Player. 3. A Firefighter's Sheild from 911. 4. A copy of Martin Luther King, Jr. "I have a Dream" speech. 5. Carvings from the Intuit Indians.

It should go in the crown of the Statue of Liberty.

100 Years. Anyone????




  1. Time capsules are supposed to capture the moment in time when they are planted.  None of those things represent 2008. Unless you are planting a time capsule for the planet of the apes to find in our nuclear annihilation, I can't see why you would be so general and so 20th century.

    You should include a CD of todays popular music, a Blue-ray of todays most popular movie.  Newspaper clippings or magazines that reflect what the situation is like in 2008.  Maybe an Ipod.

    Instead of Dr. King you could put something in that shows about the first presidential race that involved a black man since the whole Obama thing can be history in the making.  

    Think about it as a way to communicate to the future what things were like in 2008 except the only way you can tell the story is with objects from 2008.

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