
What are we (humans) doing here (on Earth)?

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Don't respond with any religious answers please. I mean, Outside of religion, what are we doing here?! Haha




  1. Well if you really want to know what were doing....were destroying Earth (pretty explainatory there)

  2. I cannot answer what man's true purpose is on Earth, as it varies between every single human being alive, but I can safely say that I know my true purpose. I believe I was put on this Earth to help others in any way I can, because it is what I genuinely love to do. That is why I have decided to dedicate my life to the medical career and become a doctor, where I can truly help people and make a difference in the lives of others.

  3. Procreating.

  4. It ain't religion It's God.s will。

  5. one can escape for any length of time...we are all "bound" here...kind of a penal colony

  6. we are playing role as good human being . which given by god.

  7. hmm well we r destroying the planet duh

  8. using up more and more land space

    n getting more n more technologicaly advanced

    n if the world doesnt end coz of 'religious reasons' tht u dont wana hear, then b4 the sun 'blows up' or wateva scientists say, b4 tht therel b like a masive war thing with heaps powerful misile thingos from space tht'l just blow up countries n islands etc

    actually b4 tht we humans will continue to breed esp certain races lyk muslims etc n theyll take ova from the inside out lyk wats hapnin now in aus n no1 is realy noticing n we'll all be ruled by muslims

    but not yet

    um wat else r we doin

    oh i no we r um chukin a big psyc ova global warming n stuff wen we dont even no if its just part of another 'cycle' thing the world goes through - i mean there had to be an ice age maybe now its getin warmer n yes the polar ice caps n melt n stuff n islands will be covered n maybe antarctica will melt n we can go n liv there

    wow so random

    um wat else r we doin

    yer eatin 2

    we do tht

    y do u ask?

  9. do you know any other place to be without a bigger problems? Bigger than we are creating here?

  10. Expanding our minds and always pushing to new limits.

  11. We live here haven't you noticed this yet! We live we die , we have children, we have been doing this for thousands of years!!Cheers !!

  12. Eating!

  13. Life exists because it can, and for no other purpose than to make more life. But humans have the ability to choose their own purpose; Carl Sagan said "If you want your life to have significance, do something significant."

  14. To take over the Universe!! haha. No i have no idea.

  15. living.. sustaining ourselves, procreating, and carrying on the species.. but if you add religion, your life gains a little more meaning, otherwise we're jsut animals.

    food for thought,... what are... glow worms doing here on earth?

    or elephants?...

    how about cuttlefish?

    feel free to reply if you have an answer

  16. s*x. and lots of it.

  17. To be and stay on top of the food chain (:

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