
What are we suppose to do when our neighbours dig in front of our house with the help of Government Officials?

by  |  earlier

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And left the pit open in front of our house.




  1. Fall in it, and sue them. If they are just going to dig up your front lawn without giving you any notice or let you know about it at all... even if they have a permit to do it. In Australia if you have a permit for anything that could affect others in your area in any way (ei, construction, burn off etc) you have to let your neighbours know a week in advance. So if they are arrogant about it... nothing is stopping you "Accidently" falling in it because you were not made aware that it was there

  2. Fill it with water and catfish .

  3. I'd buy a can of red paint empty it in their driveway and leave a trail leading up to the pit. Ask them if they saw "Cloverfield."

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