
What are we supposed to do with this life?

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there's so many options, yet there's no way to explore each one without spending thousands of dollars on tuition. how is someone supposed to narrow down with such general interests. If there is anything worth doing, do it with all your heart. Is there anything worth doing? how can someone get more active in their life? if all things come and go, what is the point of getting more active? It will end just as it started. What is there to be active in with something to take away from the experience.




  1. Thats a good question, maybe we should ask the idiots running for president, lol.

    But seriously, I've thought the same thing too. I guess you just got to try your best. I think happiness is the key. But I don't think anyone has the right answer.

  2. I am nearly 50 years old and I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Believe it or not, not choosing is a choice with devastating repercussions. Better to go out there and do something that turns out to be a mistake then sit back and guaratee you've made a mistake by not trying.

  3. Well, first decide what does interest you a lot, then see what you are good at, whether it's science, music, literature, or helping others in some way. These are your natural gifts and you ought to follow up in that direction. They are the talents you were born with. It's very sad that people should spend most of their lives in whatever job they do and know only dissatisfaction while wishing they could have done something else in life, so be wise and try to avoid that 'living death', you might say.

    Seek to be of service to others and I'm sure you will find many worthwhile experiences that will make your life meaningful.

  4. I think that if you're still in school, get into classes that may sound interesting. Art class, drama, forensics and debate, etc. or possibly sports. From there, maybe you can find out what you're interested in and that may be a passion of yours.

    I really don't know who I am or what I'm going to do in life yet (I'm only 15), but I'm becoming very interested in psychology.

  5. Pray for wisdom.  Ask God to direct your life.  I found answers in the Bible.  I recommend starting in the New Testament.  John 3:16

  6. Find help and good counsel if you must. Make trustworthy choices for yourself. Walk through the very next open door. Trust your decisions.

  7. Good question. I ask myself the same thing all the time. How can I find what I am truly passionate about if I don't explore EVERY option?

    Personally, I think some people just stumble upon their passion in life and go with it. That's why it's important to stay open to trying new things....

  8. live and let live.

  9. I think it's to try and help humanity and the earth the best we can.

  10. ...i surf in the morning till noon, come home surf the internet, do Y!A till i get hungry go out to a club eat, drink, dance...hook up, come home...have s*x, start all over in the morning...

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