
What are worthwhile activities to spend my summer doing?

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I wanted to volunteer abroad, but it's expensive and my parents would probably have refused. Other than volunteering locally, what are some other worthwhile things to do? It doesn't have to be limited to community service; I just want to make this summer count for something.





    Easy, rewarding and you can do it anywhere and enlist your friends to help!

  2. Consider taking a course in something you normally would not explore or a specialized course to develop a talent you already know you have.   Another possibility is to work with a local youth group planning an overseas mission or a mission to another part of the country or in an area near your home.   Campaign for a local or national candidate you believe can make adifference.   Get a job if you are old enough and save a lot of your earnings for volunteering overseas another summer or volunteer in an organization that does something you believe is important. Get together with friends and plan ways to raise money for something that you see as being important here or overseas.

  3. Hi, this is what I would do in your position:

    1) Get some marketable skills such as Lifeguard Certification (Try Red Cross)

    2) Get a job, save the money, and take that trip yourself next year.

    3) I'm not sure what site you looked up, but try Amerispan. They have a Teenage Summer Program for different countries. The price depends on where you want to go of course.

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