
What are yall's biggest fears?

by  |  earlier

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i would tell u mine but we'd be here all night ,lol. feel free to tell me yall's. thanks!




  1. My biggest fear is hurting someone I love, because I have Dissociative Identity Disorder. I can be the biggest ***** on this side of The planet. And probably the other side too.

  2. i am scared of someone close to me dying.

    Also, i am scared of dying in pain

  3. My biggest fear is that my girlfriend will die while I hold her unable to do anything. It does not help that she left for collage this week and that she has not had a lot of time to talk to me. I'm not afraid of anything else as long as she is ok.

  4. Failing in my studies.

    I'm afraid that I will not be able to be qualified in the scholarship program.

  5. I fear dieing while I'm young and hurting other people.

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