
What are you're reasons global warming is real or is natural?

by Guest57334  |  earlier

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Do you think GW is a natural process or isn't real? Do you think it IS real? Why?




  1. Global warming IS real. I think it's because of the ozone layer breaking, and the sun beams on the northern part of the world so yeah, GW is really bad.

    Uhhh...I dunno if all I said is true sooo :/

  2. The worlds climate has always gone threw times of change. Its a natural thing.

  3. I'd say both, but more natural. The CO2 basically just sped up the process. We're just not use to it.

  4. If global warming was caused by co2, then we would know what the temperature of the climate would be for increased levels of co2.

    But no one knows what the temperature of the climate will be for anytime in the future.  Any thing any one says is just a guess, and guessing isn't science.

  5. I believe it is real but natural if that is your question.  It is also not determined if this warming is a trend or not.  That is important to consider as well.

  6. check this interactive globe

    Global warming is but a component, in a group of destructive forces at work such as ;deforestation,desertification,soil and water contamination ,irresponsible or wasteful utilization of bio resources , air pollution,Non sustainable Agriculture,over pumping carbon aquifers

    all concepts which are definitely not part of the Natural Processes of the Natural world;...


    The most prolific growth on this planet is part of the day in the mist and most of the time under clouds ,and the least growth is always directly in the sun .

    To exchange the one for the other means changing local climates

    We are exchanging Nature with Tar , concrete and open spaced mono cultures.

    In 300 years half of the planets forests have gone ,and in the last 50 years half of the wet lands ,and rain forests

    These Areas absorb heat during the day and release heat at night ,

    Cause cloud formation(shade).humidifying the air on the surface as well as releasing excess water at the roots that keep rivers flowing ,which in turn brings more water into the Environment .

    As well as contributing to absorbing carbon emissions as do the leaves of the trees together with the oceans .

    All in all many factors which directly affect the local Environment .

    The loss of the above resulting in rivers drying up ,less rain ,desertification,loss of habitat for many species and so on.

    dryer and hotter surface environments which can manifest in different weather patterns such as tornadoes or bush fires

    I may be stupid or Naive but somehow i believe that lots of these local environmental changes, can add up to affect global weather, If there are enough of them (and there are)

    And then on top of that comes the story of the effects of pollutants released into Nature and especially the Air ,by MAN

    A cocktail of events and a lot of the ingredients have MAN written all over them

    So it is safe to assume that we should look at ourselves ,for possible improvements ,and rectifying Eco errors that are with in our powers.

    What is a safer bet

    to be or not to be;...;...

  7. Haven't seen/heard/read an interview of a scientist who didn't show proof of it happening in several years now.  I'll admit I don't know if it's been caused by man or not, but I'm leaning on the side that it is.  The population has grown so rapidly in the past 50 years, and with the mass amounts of factories, automobiles, chemical use, it's really hard to think humans haven't had any effect.  I'm also not sure that we can stop it, but let me put it this way: if we work to stop it and it turns out to be not the problem we think it will be, at least we have a cleaner earth.  If we do nothing and it turns out to be exactly the problem people predict, then we can do nothing but regret our actions, and our children and grandchildren will not have a proper planet to live on.

  8. All this fuss when one single volcano like in the Indian ocean that's ready to blow will put us in the ICE age.

  9. Global warming and cooling has always happened but NEVER at the current speed.

    The unnatural bit is us humans pouring billions of tons on carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and this is more than mother nature can cope with.

    Is it real?... ask those in Central Africa, in SW Australia etc.... not only is it real, it is already happening.

  10. Global warming is definitely real, and natural.  Even those who don't believe it is a problem agree with this.  Global warming is a natural phenomenon.  Without it, the earth would freeze up and we would all die.  The basic thing with Global Warming is that gases in the atmosphere trap the sun's heat, and allow some of that heat to go back to the earth.  This "insulates" the earth, keeping it warm enough for life.  

    The thing people are arguing about is whether humans are making this process occur more, and whether it harms the planet or not.  I beleive both are true.  Humans are releasing greenhouse gasses (most notably CO2 -also those like methane, NO2, SO2, etc) into the atmosphere (no one denies that), and these gases cause the process of natural GW to be increased (meaning more and more heat is trapped in our atmosphere.  

    Funny thing is, though almost all other countries, and most scientists in the US, agree that CO2 DOES cause more GW (and is actually one of the biggest causes of it), the US gov't wouldn't even classify it in the top 5 greenhouse gasses.  Why?  Because it is too important to our economy.  Our cars emit CO2, our homes, factories, and so much more emit CO2.  Most of this CO2 comes from burning oil.  There are many big oil companies with strong lobbyists in our gov't.  The gov't needs their support/money.  So, we ignore the problem, ignore the Kyoto Agreement (an agreement between most other countries in which they all try to reduce their CO2 emissions), and continue emitting almost half the world's CO2 levels even though we have only a tiny percentage of the world's population.  

    Do I think it's a problem? Yes.  There is hard evidence pointing to more greenhouse gasses causing, not just a rise in temp (which it doesn't necessarily cause as you could see from this winter's weird temps -some places were way hotter, some way colder).  It actually causes a change in climates.  The ridiculously strong tropical storms, the strange weather, it is all a part of global warming.  

    And maybe it isn't as bad as MOST scientists beleive, and maybe we ARE just overreacting, but is it worth it to wait until half our shorelines are flooded, and until it has caused even more species to go extinct, and until we experience another 20 Myanmars, Katrinas, Tsunamis? After all, what could it hurt to try and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions?  Even if GW opponents are right, the greenhouse gasses are still definitely horrible for human health (ex: pollution in Beijing means some athletes can't participate b/c it is too bad for their lungs).  Look at my sources, I left some links for more info and how you can reduce your carbon footprint.  Check it out, most of those ways are really simple, with no extra work on your part, but WILL help reduce emissions (trust me -I've had to do the calculations, I know -I have my AP environmental science exam on tuesday lol)

    p.s. sorry if it was a bit long...but I hope you try reading some...I really feel more people should realize how much of a problem this is...and honestly, if I could, I would have gone on for pages lol.

  11. What a pointless question..... we all know its real man.

    the only people who think its natural are professional athletes... got so many suvs they're in denile

  12. OK, here is a way that you can undeniably prove that man causes global warming on a daily basis.

    1. On any weekday, wake up at 4 AM and measure the temperature outside.  Write it down.

    2. At 6 AM, mankind begins going to work.  That's when people start using their cars and causing pollution.  Measure the temperature again.

    3. At 8 AM, traffic is in full swing, rush hour.  Measure the temperature again, and notice the very obvious trend.

    4. Continue to measure the temperature every 2 hours.

    5. At around 8 PM, traffic will start to relax and more people will stop using their vehicles.  Measure the temperature now.  Notice what is happening.

    6. Continue to measure the temperature every 2 hours until 2 AM.  You can do this with a friend so that you can each take 6 measurements during the day and not have to stay up 24 hours.

    Make a graph of your measurements, and notice that there is a DIRECT and UNDENIABLE correlation between the activity of mankind and all his vehicles and energy-using buildings and the temperatures outside.  It's AMAZING and REPRODUCEABLE, over and over again.  And anyone who disputes this is a denier!!!  Science PROVES it.

    This is exactly the same scientific method that a consensus of scientists have used to prove that man made global warming is REAL.

    It's about time that everyone tries these experiments for themselves, so that we can stop the debate and start DOING something about it.

    I would also encourage you to bring this experiment to your teachers at school and ask everyone to participate!

  13. It is real. The ozone layer is being eaten by all the bad toxins in the air. Through that hole the suns rays can enter and increse warming. This warming is melting all the glaciers and flooding the oceans. This will cause the population to move inward and overcrowd the centers of the continent and cause more chemical pollution to happen and the process starts again.

  14. It's just as real as the ice age paranoid scientists said would take place in the 80s. I also thought I'd point out that for a planet that's getting warmer we had a particularly cold April (it was the coldest April in 100 years). Global warming is a hoax that went to far.

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