
What are you're thoughts on Bisphenol A?

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Bisphenol A as I understand is very dangerous. It is a lot like estrogen and thats not good for us or any other animal. In fish too much estrogen can cause gender bending which in turn means less fish and that can mess up the environment and the cycle of things. Who knows what else would happen with that.. It's in hard plastics and in polymers. I want to know what you guys think about Bisphenol A? Also, what do you think we can do to prevent from a.) getting it in our systems and b.) keep it out of our environment? I think we need to keep our environments natural systems and cycles.. =/

Talk away loves. ^_^




  1. The amount of estrogen-like compounds (AKA "endocrine disruptors") released from plastics is negligible.  It is dwarfed by the amount that is naturally produced by soybeans.

  2. Ahh the bloke destroyer!

    I mentioned this as "the stuff in plasic that turns blokes into girls" only yesterday.

    Pretty scary stuff, I'm facinated by the whole recommendation that plastic bottles only be used once. What difference does it make whether its once or twice???

    This is the kind of thing that will mess with birth rates I think, and this is a major way we could extinct ourselves!

    It's similar to birth control pills isn't it, in that is in the water and can pass through other cleansing systems to end inside us.

    Pretty scary and another reason not to drink from plastic bottles.

  3. it is really dangerous. that is why plastics are dangerous to animals because sometimes, it looks like a food to them and when they eat it, plastics are not digested and so they die. so far, it is too hard to stop plastic production because many jobs depend on it so the best way is to reuse them again. laws must be implemented pertaining to the right disposal of plastic bags  ,which contain that chemical.

    better also if we use containers made from other things

    paper, cloth, etc.

    have a nice day!

  4. I am convinced that Bisphenol A or other types of xeno estrogen compounds have been a huge factor in me turning g*y/transgender.

    It's no coincidence either. There are a high frequency of homosexuals/bisexuals around the DC area

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