
What are you're thoughts on Bukowski?

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  1. Overhyped.

  2. Poor man was a jaded pimple on the A$$ of the world, (with a life history that justified it) and this is what made him who he was.  He could write with such power and simplicity of spirit (albiet a wounded one) that I find his work compellng in its somberness and eloquent in its bleakness.

  3. Sometimes brilliant...sometimes an old drunk guy.

    I love Genius of the Crowd, and dreamlessly.

    So, mixed feelings. He's fun to read and occasionally insightful.

    Edit: Happy to answer more, but I'm not sure where you want us to go with our thoughts on him...I think he wrote to get free beer, places to crash, and to get laid...The only thoughts I can have toward him is toward his work...which varies wildly. I think Ham and Rye, and Post Office are probably more indicative of his talents than his poetry...

  4. I am not crazy about him.I like his poem ( I made a mistake ). I like how real it is.I can see other males I know in this poem. But most of his poetry is not what I relate to.

  5. I agree with Todd. Bukowski is a mixed bag, sometimes unnecessarily long diatribes about horse racing, sometimes poignant meditations on loneliness and spiritual transience.

    Much like Hemingway, Bukowski is one of those "manly" writers that women can't relate to, and frequently brand as sexist and overrated.

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