
What are you REALLY scared of

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What is a couple things, or the one thing, you are terrified of? Like your heart pounds and you feel like your going to have a heart attack. lol and your age also please. I'm 19 and im VERY scared of Porcelin dolls, dogs, height, and the dark. lol, ii now im a scaredy cat lol!




  1. 14, I am afraid of be like hurt by a person or being abducted by some one. I am also afraid of porcelain dolls and cats. I don't know why I am terrified by these things but i am. lol im a scaredy-cat also!

  2. Im scared of heights and dark,ghosts and scary movie :)  

  3. I'm fifteen and I am deathly afraid of spiders.  I f*cking hate those b******s.  I'm also afraid of my mother and being abducted and forced to be a s*x slave for the rest of my life.  Other than that I'm pretty cool.

  4. 15, I'm scared of heights, kangaroos, and armadillos. I know, it's weird.

  5. Hillary Clinton


    Im 19 btw

  6. I am 51 and I am horrible afraid of storms at night when I am alone in the house. When my hubby and daughter are home, I actually like night storms, but once my hubby was in the hospital and my daughter was spending the night at a friends and that night we had a terrible storm. I thought I was going to die of fright, and when the lights went out....I sat down in the middle of the floor and cried like a little girl.  

  7. i'm 27 and am terrified to the highest extent of locusts (the ones that go zzz zz zzzzz at the end of summer), other than that, I'm terrified of spiders and the fear that a loved one will someday die.

  8. mirrors and only mirrors.

    i made my parents get rid of a lot of them in our house.

    now we have like two.


  9. 16, and i'm scared of the girl from the ring haha....and not being good enough.

  10. 15, and i am scared of the dark haha

    and meeting new people doing new things, heights, rollercoasters, taking tests hm..a lot more things. :p oh and i forgot getting diseases

  11. Lol, im 19 and im scared of bugs like I totally hate them, they scare the h**l out of me. I always look in the corners of the washroom before i can use it XD. T he dark can be scarry depends on the situation. Sometimes storms scare me, depends how bad they are. Heights make my heart beat fast lol. Im scaredy cat too ;)

  12. 13,,,storms. hurricanes. tornadoes. hail. rain .darkness. my laundry room.wind.scary movies. Alot of other stuff.

  13. 35. my mother.

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