
What are you a hypocrite about?

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What are you a hypocrite about?




  1. I always complain about my sister asking me for favors, when in fact, I always ask for favors in return.

  2. Telling people what I think they should do - but ido not appreciate others telling me what they think I should do, as I like to decide for myself!

  3. The first few answers (all that I have seen) are praiseworthy for their honesty and self-knowledge.

    One thing: do not make the mistake of condemning all hypocrisy.  Confucius' tenth virtue is, in my words, "if you possess none of the preceding virtues, act as if you did."  It sounds like a command to lie, but, in effect, it is a virtue simply because it recognizes virtue.

    In short, hypocrisy is a fault only when the "hypocrite" considers himself above hypocrisy!

  4. telling everyone to smile at their problems when in fact i'm hiding my pain when i have one. haha

  5. Alot....

    I act sometimes as if I'm this nice person....

    And tell people to pray....

    That it'll get better....

    Not to lust, or envy....

    To help their family, and to respect them!

    But behind closed doors....I'm not what I should be....


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