
What are you allergic to?

by  |  earlier

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I am not allergic to anything...I know I very lucky




  1. i was allergic to milk. not lactose intolerant. but if i would drink milk like every day for like a week or more, my stomach wouldnt be able to digest very well so i guess the enzymes would stick to my stomach and i would either lose my apetitie or would be naseous. i dont know if you can really call it an allergy but thats what the doc said.

  2. I have Hay Fever and Rose Fever. Am allergic to a lot of medicine.

    Strawberries, most leafy green vegs., some nuts, mold, cat dander and bee stings. There is more but that's enough to know.

  3. Im allergic to pumpkins and so is my dad. Its really funny because we were the only ones who liked to carve pumpkins because my mom and 2 brothers didnt like the smell. So my dad and I would carve pumpkins with long sleeve shirts and latex gloves so that we didnt get pumpkin on us or we would break out into horrible rashes. We probably looked rediculous but we had fun anyways...

  4. nothing. im lucky too

  5. I am not allergic.  

  6. I'm allergic to dairy, but not in the lactose intolerant way. Like if I eat cereal with milk, the milk makes my mouth and throat itch.

    And I'm also allergic to any shedding animals. But i have 3 of them anyways.

  7. that i know of:

    Peony Fragrance

    Lilac Fragrance

    Chai Tea (? abt that, it comes and goes)

    Dog/Cat fur

  8. I'm allergic to fish.

  9. I had the strangest allergic reaction to my robe I use to wear. It made my eyes puffy and red and they would itch. Then my skin would start itching and i'd sneeze forever over and over again.

  10. i'm not allergic to anything right now although i used tobe allergic to guava which really sucked becuase i love guava juice but i can drink it now

  11. im not sure exactly what it is but i get reactions to some soap, some bubble bath (other bath products), some perfume, some washing detergent . . . . . the list goes on through all sorts of cosmetics and body care to!!  but not every brand thank god!

  12. Cats. If their fur comes in contact with my eyes they get itchy and watery either by actually touching the cat with my eyes or touching the cat, then my eyes. It sucks because I love animals so much!

    The inside of a pumpkin. It sounds weird but every time we carve pumpkins my hands and wrists get super itchy.

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