
What are you allowed to take into Yankees Stadium for a baseball game? (Food, water, and soda etc)?

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What are you allowed to take into Yankees Stadium for a baseball game? (Food, water, and soda etc)?




  1. A needle for Giambi, and if Clemens is around, ask if he'd kindly put it in his locker, but he has to place it somewhere else first.

  2. a gun to protect yourself

  3. No food or drinks are allowed. You can bring in a small camera, glove, small signs, and a bag no bigger than a purse.

  4. Nothing.

    Yanks suck.

  5. None of the above.   All that is sold there.  And your bag will be searched.

  6. You can bring anything you want as long as it is not a glass bottle. When you get to the gate, the security guard will ask you to transfer your items into a clear plastic bag and that is it.

    Some advice, due to the new stadium being built, prices in the current stadium are outrageous. If you dont want to take out a second mortgage, bring a meal as well as a snack. If you dont want to bring a meal, Mcdonalds is across the street from the stadium.

  7. On a very hot day, I walked in with a small water bottle, and they didnt say anything.  Maybe since it was like 95 degrees, they were lax on the rules.  IDK.

  8. Like the person above me said, you can bring in anything save glass, as long as its in a clear plastic bag. I bring in sandwiches all the time and never get caught. I actually got a good laugh with a security guard last time I was there, taking in my roast beef sub, turns out we like our sandwiches the same way.

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