
What are you asking santa for this year?

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What are you asking santa for this year?




  1. money to pay off my student loans

  2. He went past my house last year, so I'm not speaking to him.

  3. Extra bonus as my year-end performance to get a flat for myself. And lots and lots of happiness for my parents.

  4. a watermelon :P jklol

  5. Um, he's not real... (Sorry to break it to you, if you still believe. But I guess it IS possible...)

    Anyway, I want a DS and like 10 games for it. I also would like the ability to speak to animals! Or turn into them... (Yeah right, even though it'd be awesome.) And I want the coolest laptop in the world, though I'm not sure exactly which one that is.

  6. a locket so i can put my daughters pic in it cost 300 and i dont want to spend that much on my Self

  7. I'm not asking him, I'm running from him.  Older versions of the encyclopedia described Santa with two words "The devil".  It's easy to be deceived in a world that is so materialistic.  Satan's way is the get way but God's way is the give way.  When we get something it soon wears out or breaks or is lost and then forgotten.  When we give of  ourselves to help others it gladdens the heart.  A glad heart brings good health, new found energy and a bubbling personality.    

  8. This is the first year that I haven't desperately wanted a lot of material goods. I'll be happy if i'm in my nice, tidy flat with my boyfriend and some good home cooking.  

  9. A bigger apartment would make my holiday extra special! :D

  10. Anything, I don't really want to be greedy =)

    Because some kids don't get anything for Christmas, and I think Everyone should=)

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