
What are you cleanig techniques for the bathroom?

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What do you do first when you start cleaning your bathroom, what products do you use and on what?




  1. I use tons of Clorox and Lysol because I'm a germ freak (I even disinfect doorknobs and the towel bar lol). I always start with the toilet since it seems to be the worst, I use Easy Off Bam drain cleaner on the toilet because we have very hard water and its the only thing that takes the ring off. The only thing I don't use Lysol or bleach on is the mirrors.

  2. I use Many products

    Comet-bathtub basin and Toilet

    Clorox disenfecting Bathroom cleaner-sinks, countertops, fauctes, around the base of the toilet and toilet bowl, around the shower and shower walls

    Clorox toilet bowl cleaner-toilet bowl

    Windex-faucets, mirrors, bathroom windows

    Pine sol-mopping

    cleaner with bleach and soft scrub-occasionally toilet bowl

    Mr. clean magic eraser-hard tough stains for anywhere in the bathroom

    latex gloves

    toilet bowl scrubber

    lots of sponges and scrub brushes

    old toothbrushes for hard places to reach

    paper towels

    mop and bucket

    broom and dustpan

    clean rags

  3. Pine Sol and Windex for everything , tub ,tiles, window, toilet, sink mirrors, floors.

  4. I start by spraying down the shower with whatever I have handy (usually 409.) Then squirt the inside of the toilet with Clorox toilet bowl cleaner. Then I clean the counter and the sink with white vinegar/water mix. By that time, the shower cleaner should have soaked in and scrub it with a brush. Then rinse it down. Clean the toilet with the vinegar/water mix then use a toilet brush inside the bowl. Then get a clean rag and clean the bathroom floor.

  5. I empty the place out. I take the bath rugs to the washing machine. I take out the trash. Any bathroom accessories currently occupying counter space go outside the door in a neat little row.

    I spray the shower and tub area and both sinks, counters and toiles with Clorox Cleanup Spray. and forget about them for a bit.

    I clean the toilet bowl with toilet cleaner and a brush.

    I clean the mirrors and all chrome surfaces with a piece of wet newspaper folded into a little 3"x5" squeegee. It makes everything nice and shiny.

    I get an old wash cloth or hand towel and get it wet. I use it to clean the sinks and counter tops first. I make sure I get all the clorox I sprayed on before off. I rinse it repeatedly in the sink.

    I then turn on the water in the shower and use it to rinse as much of the clorox spray down the drain as I can. Then I go in with the cloth and wipe everything down. I clean the glass and chrome with the wet newspaper. I do the tub the same way.

    I clean the outside of the toilet and the top of the tank with the  wash cloth. When I'm done I wipe it all down with a clorox wipe. That wash cloth goes in the washing machine with the rugs after this.

    I clean the floor with a regular sponge mop and water mixed with a little bleach.

    I put everything I took out back and clean them each as required with soap warm water and a paper towel. Maybe some bleach depending on what it is.

    When the rugs are clean and dry, I put them back and move on.

    This whole thing minus the rugs in the washing machine takes about 15 minutes. Its almost the exact same procedure I learned in the Army.

  6. Clean the counters with whatever cleaner I have handy. Scrub the bath and the shower. Dust the fixtures. Clean mirrors. Vacuum the floor. Clean the toilet. Mop the floor. Replace used towels. Take out laundry. Empty garbage. Look around to make sure I got everything. Put my feet up and have a beer.

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