
What are you currently worried about?

by  |  earlier

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How concerned are you about high prices & the change in the Western style of living?

Have you a strategy for coping in the future?




  1. Will the ointment clear up those insect bites?

  2. ~~~My biggest worry-the economy. My plan is to get out of debt, change our lifestyle to be frugal and non-wasteful. Try and get my home self sufficient as quickly as possible i.e., solar powered is what we have left.~~~

  3. We have pulled through harder things in the past.  

    Since I am still young and attending college with a education I do not really care for the prices.  As long as I have a education I should be able to pull through.

  4. Pt 1.

    No, not really. I have a ridiculous faith in my fellow beings and their ability to be able to pull through regardless of the impediments.

    Pt 2.

    The application of equal measures of brute strength and sheer ignorance.

  5. I don't drive, but chip in w/my mom for gas and am scared @ how gas prices continue to rise @ about a dollar a year. We both live on retirement/disability incomes, so we conserve; save. I have to say that I have a strong enough feeling of who to vote for in the upcoming election and to remember that government isn't entirely responsible for taking care of our lives. Don't get me started on our culture. We have no one to blame for ourselves. I'll just say can we start with cutting each other a little slack and teaching our kids to behave?

  6. Not a THING !  I'm one of the most laid-back Guys THIS Side of the South Pole!  :)

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