
What are you doing about gas?

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What are you doing about the high gas prices?




  1. In the UK our fuel is soooooo expensive that my 80 mile commute in a v6 (this is a big engine in the uk) has become a nightmare. Ive slowed down and learned how to coast, ive got the mpg up to 38, it usually 24!!!!!!!!!!

  2. nothing, i just buy from the cheapest place like UDF or kroger

  3. Dont have to do anything, I still rev the engine really high and not worry about wasting gas.

  4. I quit smoking cigarettes so I have an extra $5 a day to put in my tank.

    I drive a diesel and pay $5 a gallon in San Diego. It may only be an extra gallon a day, but that is 110 miles a week more I get to drive.

  5. driving more

  6. honestly, i forecast this and my last two car purchases 2.5 and 3 years ago reflected that, taking us from a van and truck to a subcompact and a euro style wagon/5door hatch.

    combined we average around 40 mpg annually with a family of 5.

    i've also done some things to the 5 door to improve fuel economy, synthetics, exhaust, hi flow filters...

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