
What are you doing about the Government cover-up of ghosts?

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I was watching a faerie tale about the Roswell incident on the Discovery channel today, and I saw footage of nut jobs picketing in front of the White House demanding that the Government release documentation on flying saucers (snicker).

Since the Government is obviously covering up the existence of non-existant extra-terrestrial entities, wouldn't they be likely to cover up the existence of non-existnt, non-corporeal supernatural entities? Why have the supernatural whack jobs not taken to the picket lines as their nut case E.T. bretheren have?




  1. Just checking..I thought psiexploration deleted you. I don't understand your question so I'm leaving it to the ones who do.

    EDIT..I think that most people just like to joke about UFOs and get that "weird" feeling about them without believing about them. They know if they say they believe about them, they will be called weird. They don't want to believe it. I don't want to believe it. Spirits are one thing..I can almost handle that..but UFOs..that a different story. Too scary to believe!!

  2. You know, I always wondered why government agents are called "spooks". Now I know!  The government has enlisted the supernatural to do its bidding!

  3. Good bye.

  4. Nothing! The government can't even cover up it's own inadequacies!

  5. Shhhhhhhhh!  They'll hear you.

  6. Ghosts are more substantial than UFO's!

  7. The U.F.O. "Nut-Jobs" do have some bit of a basis for their  beliefs, misguided as they may be. A balloon from project "Mogul" did land in the desert near Roswell, and the newly created material "Mylar" would have looked "otherworldly" to the gullible and feeble minded.

    Also strange aircraft are often seen. There is no denying this fact. They are most often seen over government ranges where new secret military aircraft are being tested. Hmmm.

    Regardless of what's going on in our airspace there is something to give credence to the flying saucer beliefs of the simple minded, thus their impotent picketing.

    The ghost hunters know deep in their tiny little brains that they are delusional, and only the most adamant, of just plain nuts among them will openly expose their shame in a public forum.

  8. The gov't couldn't cover up a couple of documents in a hotel room.  Frankly, people are giving them WAY too much credit when they claim conspiracy theories.

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