
What are you doing for 4th of july?

by  |  earlier

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imm going to see the fireworks and chill and party with my friends! :)

what about you?




  1. working.....

  2. ignoring my birthday

  3. me and my bro r going to fined sum fireworks to set off =D i am in ca btw

  4. same woot partayy!! lol

  5. nothing.

  6. I plan to see fireworks and BBQ but since that is nearly a year  from now anything is possible.

  7. ima go watch some fireworks den prolly get stoned out of my mind an start trippin...den prolly down some beers cause i cant sip on them!

  8. going by the bay to see some fireworks i hope got to get up for work on sat cant stay out to late.

  9. nothing, sitting in my dark room by myself...

    jkjk lol Im going to the beach & watch fireworks

  10. PARTY

  11. sameeeeeeee and my dad is going to get a rubber band he bought fire works! hes gona wait intill night and make people pissed we always do it :) lol and we tie it and light one then BOOM! ... and chill with my friends and family and watch fire works

  12. cookout and fireworks

  13. play with colorful fire

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