
What are you doing for World Water Day today, March 22?

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I dedicated my Y!A profile to Water and world changes.




  1. i don't do much for that day.

    but i dont waste alot of water its absurd to keep the sink while brushing youre teeth! its not like youre gonna be using the water. it goes to waste.


    it's great you dedicated yourself.


  2. Boiled and decorated eggs for Easter (what, you expected me to do something else today?).

  3. Drink lots of beer and pxx a lot

    Eugenics has new names like social biology, population control & environmentalism.These elites, for being so smart, are in fact some of the most biggest fools to ever walk the earth. They are so inbred that they can devise these complex idea without it ever occurring to them that these exact same plan seem to fail era after era. We give them too much credit. Lastly, some of this stuff is very misrepresented and thus this scenario even less likely to happen.

  4. I'll wash my car, fill up the swimming pool, and water the lawn.  

    That should be a good celebration of water.

  5. Let's see...i'll go  swimming,drink lotsa water?OMG world water day is TODAY..well..i guess im not gonna make any plans.,...

  6. Drinking, Bathing, Swiming.  I would load my water pistol, but some gun controlling Democrat came and took it away.

  7. I just cracked open a new bottle of water and chugged it down.  I'm taking a second in the car with me...

  8. taking a bath.

  9. hmmmm...... I wasn't aware there was a world water day ......I guess I'll just keep refilling the same water bottle with tap water.....I don't really know....what does one usually do for such occasions ???

  10. I read all published works of Prof. Chaplin on water.


  11. this is stupidity... we are poisoning a tiny tiny tiny fraction of the water..

  12. Now that the Global Warming HOAX has been exposed, we need a water shortage HOAX to tax.  The chicken littles are galloping back.  Al, F#*@%g Gore has his water book ready to publish.

  13. I unno i never knew it was world water daii thnx 4 telling

  14. Getting ready for easter

  15. I think I just might flush my toilet a dozen times then turn on my hot water faucet for 20 minutes ( i want as big a carbon footprint as possible)

  16. Instead of just one day for conserving water or reducing electricity, why not just do it every day?

    One day won't help the planet, but if we all conserve, reuse, and recycle every day it will make a difference.

  17. Our home reclaims all of our water usage, so our only deliberate activity is to avoid contaminating our own drinking supply with the things going into the sink or toilet.

    We do not irrigate our lawn, but we do irrigate our food producing plants and trees. The only time we 'waste water' is during flooding times. We could build a large water tower to store enough flood water to irrigate our whole farm during following dry seasons, but we see no way we could recover its cost, even though it might be beneficial to the province or even our community.

    I will wait until the community or province asks for it.

  18. I'm going to flush twice at each use for the rest of the year to protest government regulation of the gallons per flush on our toilets.

    In an unrelated matter, I'm also hording incandescent light bulbs in protest as well.  

    I'm dedicating the rest of my life to getting the do gooders trying to control my life to mind their own business.

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