
What are you doing in your neighborhood to be a part of the solution?

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I see a lot of people on this forum blaming others for the economy and the way they are living.

What are you personally doing?




  1. I am not doing anything...everything is hunky dorey here in Canada.

  2.     is there something wrong with the economy.i havent noticed.oh excuse must listen to the news.they wouldent know the truth if it hung off the tip of there nose.because printing the truth puts them out of a job.why else do you think we need 13 or more channels telling the same story.did you ever wonder about that.they all conclude the exact same thing.hmmmm.

  3. I went and picked up a bunch of litter yesterday and threw it away.

    Mostly Obama signs stuck in people's yards .....

  4. Trying to encourage others to vote for the republican ticket and talk a lot about how Obama was in a hate group for 20 years, hates America, is a socialist, will tax us to death, will destroy our military capabilities, is inexperienced.  On the other hand, McCain and Palin are for America and the things for which it stands, freedom of speech, free enterprise, less taxes, strong military and are for life and babies!  

  5. I decided to jump on the bandwagon and blame Bush for everything that's not perfect. And what do you know, gas and food prices dropped instantly! Seriously, though? Well... I haven't bought any houses that I can't afford. That's something, anyway.

  6. NOTHING I'm sitting on my *** watching TV and eating chips no one better have a problem with it

  7. The economy is pretty much out of our control, it's run by billionaire tycoons and Wall Street swindlers.

  8. Good question!!!!!  I love it!

    Well, I'm not doing a whole lot to be honest!  How sad.

    What I have done...

    After 911 we were encouraged to support our economy.  So, I went out and bought $2k worth of furniture.

    I also...

    Save money each month.

    Have NO credit card debt.

    Have NO car debt.

    Have NO mortgage debt.

    Thankfully, I have a job that pays well.  But, I know that many Americans (and people outside of this country) that are not as fortunate.

    I think we all need to SPEND LESS AND LIVE MORE SIMPLY if we have the possibility.

  9. I am working on a way to destroy the earth. I will send confusion, pestilence and famine , earthquakes, floods, death and destruction. (if you elect Obama )


  10. Accept the fact that I have one vote to help my country select competent leadership, host NASCAR parties to celebrate my US citizenship and collect the beer cans for recycling to redeem for cash to contribute to my friend's gas tank, answer my YA neighbors' questions with the respect they deserve, contribute to animal and child welfare causes when I can afford it and clean my room,  In return I get just as good if not better from new American neighbors bringing over real meals from VietNam, Mexico, Sweden or wherever they were raised just for laughing with instead of complaining about their kiddies.  Took me awhile to just say I am an average American, didn't it?

  11. Nothing things are ok for me

  12. blaming others for the economy and the way they are living.

  13. I work at a hospitality group

    I pay taxes, i attend college

    i am doing everything that an American citizen should do

    yes, the economy is down

    the country is in bad shape but that doesn't mean i will have to sit down

    I am doing the best i can to shape my future

  14. I paid my mortgage payment yesterday.  Oh, and I mowed my grass.

  15. My spending habits are conservative and I try to live within the limits of my income.  I work two jobs and don't expect anyone to take care of my responsibility.   I have a small garden and I cook my meals instead of eating out; I take lunch to work and live a basically happy life.  I also make sure that when I vote, I vote for those who can make a difference.  Drilling here will make a difference; wind and solar energy, and nuclear energy are all necessary if we expect the economy to be better for each of us.  Republicans seem to be more interested in following these ideas; therefore, McCain will be my choice in November.

  16. Paying my own rent instead of buying a house I can't afford & expecting the government to pay for it.  

  17. Not taking responsibility for anyone beyond my family and not asking anyone to take responsibility for me.

  18. About all I do is try to preach on hear.  I'm retired.  I worked my buns off in a print plant and then in the 90s they went to Mexico.  I did get a pension out of it but it isn't what id should be because of the recession in the 90s.  Yep one of my favorite books from the 90s was title Safe Money in Hard Times.  Well the 90s were bad enough for me to have to use some of my retirement money.  I'm okay though.  Make sure you are funding your retirement.  Learn how if you don't know.  It happens to everybody who is lucky enough.   The main thing I do now to help is ride a motor scooter or cycle in nonfreezing conditions.  See no matter who you are if you are driving a car and traveling alone you are part of the problem and scooters are too cheap not to buy one.  I also try to point out that taxing rich people isn't the answer.  They already pay 80% of the taxes that is the upper 20%.  rich people invest in stocks.  Stocks is where business gets needed capital.  When there is no incentive to invest they don't.  They don't need an income.

  19. Working as hard as I can to convince as many people as possible not to vote for Obama.

  20. I started a church in my home.

    I homeschool and teach my children to be givers.

    When it comes to the economy, I say God is my provider.

    What I make happen for others God will make happen for me.

    If I want blessed, I better become a blessing to those in real need.

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