
What are you doing personally to help reduce waste and help our environment?

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Not buying bottled water but instead reusing the same container? Turning off the water when brushing your teeth?




  1. We don't know for sure if what we do is actually helping the environment, whatever exactly that is. Let common sense prevail.

  2. I've stopped flushing my toilet.

    My bathroom is going green... literally.

  3. I get all my bills and such electronically to save the paper.  I e-pay most my bills.  I use gray water to water my yard.  I recycle.

    I also spread the work about the Global Warming Hoax.

  4. instead of flushing the water in my toile n wasting clean water i just do my business outside it hlps fertillize my lawn and keeps the nebiors away

  5. I don't buy bottled water (what's the point in paying)

    I also recycle everything possible.

  6. * I use public transportation and do not use my car for daily commute.

    * I try and link all my errands together so that on days that I have to use my car, I try and minimize it.

    * I try to buy food stuff which do not have a lot of packaging

    * If there is any plastic, I try to reuse it as much as possible before I recycle it.

    * I recycle all the paper, plastic and bottles

    * I try and keep the temperature of the heater as low as possible in the winter (65F).

    * I do not use an air conditioner in the summer. I just open the windows (or sometimes turn on the fan).

    * I do not heat the water in my boiler to more than 120 F

    * I switch off all the lights when I am not in the room

    * I am actually not Al Gore :)

  7. I've done my research on recycling and discovered it's worse for the environment than throwing everything away, so I've stopped recycling...

    (it takes more time, energy, and money to make something new out of something old, than to make something new from scratch)

  8. Well, I'm giving my plastic bottles away so people can reuse them, I use water only when necessary and we keep a gardel filled with plants.

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