
What are you doing regarding immigration over the Holiday weekend?

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If anything, I hope you're thanking an immigrant for keeping our country moving while most of you are at the lake or BBQing in your back yard.




  1. Yes, I do give thanks for all the ones that have done it the Legal way, and scorn the iillegal criminal alien invaders that have not.

  2. If they had come here legally then you wouldn't be delivering water to them at the home depot, while they are standing around waiting for work. They could just go straight to their job. Depend on them to keep us moving? HA HA! The US has been here for over 200 years. If they are moving us in any direction it is backward.

    There is nothing wrong with taking time out to rest and relax. Are you trying to imply that the illegal workers are better because "they work all the time", and have "a better work ethic". You really need to get out of your little shell and see the world.

  3. I'll be doing that BBQing since I'm one of those who keep this country moving by holding a legal job.

    Kudos for taking them water for their long trek back as you point them in the right direction. I never wish for anything bad to befall them Tony unlike the gloating you do when a fellow American hurts. Let's treat ALL humans humane hey?

  4. Having a big ICE party and inviting my Hispanic neighbors.    

  5. You are so Right!  

  6. My goodness.. you can spell and you have not learned to count yet.  Yer doing good....  

    I am oiling up my 30 Calibar Browing for a little trip to the Rio myself.  

  7. Yes we should all send letters of thanks to ICE for keeping our country moving

  8. My world doesnt center around not a darn tootin' thing, theres no reason to!

    And by the way:  Laughable is the concept that immigrants keep this country moving.  

    The American taxpayer keeps this country--and most of the world--afloat and going.  And we dont even get thanked! all my hard working, tax paying fellow Americans :  Heres to you!  Have a great Labor Day!  SALUTE!  And my thanks and appreciation!!!!!

    Tony's, too, I'm sure.

  9. Actually, my plans had nothing to do with immigration this weekend but you've given me a wonderful idea Tony. I'm going to call Sheriff Joe and thank him for all the hard work he does to protect my country and rid my state of illegal aliens,maybe I'll bake some cookies for him and his men. I would also like to take this chance to thank all of the wonderful AMERICAN people who work hard everyday and fight the good fight. Thank you anti illegal, American workers!

  10. I just can't stop laughing from all those entertaining responses that was...somethin' well Tony I did BBQ taking a break from WORKING! because that's what every human does! I'm glad you help them out people don't realize what immigrants have been through until they actually experience it 'till then they will talk all they want. THANK YOU, TONY! for defending humans! because I don't like the term illegal alien why the are they considered aliens?? everybody pretty much is one them..because everyone immigrated to this country!

  11. Nothing this weekend.. I am taking a break and spending the weekend in Denver, I will resume my activities when I return, I needed  a break from the heat. Have a nice Labor Day my friend.  

  12. I wont be BBQing or going to the lake.  I have to agree Tony, all my friends and family will be WORKING.  :)

  13. Not enough,

    I hope that people reading your post will look at your past spewage and realize how jaded and misinformed you really are. Stop trying to mislead our youth with your misconstrued, tainted ideas of socialism and Anti-Americanism.

  14. Other than having 3D ultrasound photos and planning a wedding, I will be spending the following week helping someone get their birth certificate translated in English and notarized, obtain their Matricula ID and Passport and connecting them to the right organization to obtain an ITIN to pay taxes this April.

    Sometime inbetween will be English classes as always (which, by the way, I instruct the BEST class as they include things like field trips to the movies in which I translate during the movie off & on so participants gets the drift of the picture and pick up American slang).

    My time and appreciation is the very least I can give back to thank immigrants for the hard work they do. Without them, we would have a LOT missing from our economy (i.e. - bubble gum. Just watched "Food Detectives" on the Food Network channel and apparently gum is originally from Mexico - hence the reasons the Latinos use the word "chicle"... it was the same word the Aztecs used. I had no clue).

    Edit: Amazing how I'm getting thumbs down even though I'm helping someone take steps to becoming legal as well as assimilate into our society. I guess it just proves that most of the people on YA are not anti-ILLEGAL immigrant but anti-immigrant/ racist in general.

  15. Sure Tony...

    I see a lot of immigrants at the grocery store while I purchase food.

    I also see them when I buy beer.

    Even see them when I park my truck.

    But, why bother to thank them? All they do is stand around refusing to adapt to this country, keep themselves sheltered from americans, and wouldn't understand English.

    Maybe the better question would be.. when are they going to thank us for giving them a chance? the food/shelter/education that costs a bit more because now we must print signs in spanish? or the additional costs of teaching their kids english? or the fat welfare checks they cash and send back to mexico?

    no tony, i will thank them as they walk back across the border..unless they are willing to do 4 years in the miltary...

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