
What are you doing rite now?

by  |  earlier

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Read the title.




  1. I am getting ready for church and looking at my e-mails. While I get ready for church, I listen to music on the radio.

  2. cracking my neck

  3. ready to go to work.

  4. i am getting ready to go out with my friends =].

    but typing this while am sat in my nicker sat in my nickers =].

  5. answering your question and watching TV

  6. tryin to answer a stupid question..........

  7. Answering questions and playing online poker at Pokerstars!!

  8. Waiting to use the shower, wish she'd hurry up.

  9. jerking off... just kidding lol

  10. um, listening to music., but that was an unexpected

  11. Wondering when my best friend I grew apart.

  12. thinking about starting a religion, can't help but focus on 'rite' and wonder what you're trying to say, mourning my lack of morning tea *bah dum dum psh*

  13. Typing a answer to your question.

  14. I have not started it rite now.

  15. Sitting down on my notebook computer, drinking a cup of Green Tea while also breathing too.

  16. learning for math

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