
What are you doing to get involved in the 2008 elections?

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There are many ways to get involved in the 2008 election season, even if you can't vote. There are so many people on Yahoo Answers who seem quick to support or vilify candidates, but is anyone actually volunteering for a campaign, whether by making phone calls, door knocking, or canvassing? It can be a presidental campaign, city council campaign, House campaign, or anything else.




  1. I am beating the c**p out of uninformed Democrats who think they know anything (in debates, of course).  Tough to defend your views when you don't know very much about current events, our country, the global economy, and human nature.

    Almost like a cat playing with the mouse.

  2. I'm walking with a team in my voting precinct registering voters and encouraging them to vote Democratic.

  3. Informing everyone I meet that America has to wake up. The military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about is running our nation. 9/11 was an inside job, just to give a reason to go to war with Afghanistan and Iraq, powering the industrial complex with a never ending war. Iran is next, the governments trying really hard to create another gulf of Tonkin inncident.

    Bob Barr '08 Libertarian Party

  4. I can vote, and will.  That is how I am getting involved in the 2008 elections.

  5. I just want to find  clear and informative beliefs of the two candidates.  McCain does have a political history so how he stands of important issues is easy to find.

    Obama on the other hand is hard to pin down.  One month he says something and next time he changes.

  6. Not making phone calls because approved texts are provided and sound as monotonous as the repeated stock speeches already made.  Also because nobody's gonna change their minds on whom they've already chosen.  Most are just waiting for Election Day.

    Not knocking on doors because I can't afford the gas to those neighborhoods, because you don't know what you're gonna find behind a door, because it's an equal invasion of privacy with a phone call, and because I think everybody agrees, if somebody knocks on my door, they're either preaching to the choir or wasting my time.

    When a local election offers a candidate I know, I write a letter to the editor.  I've signed up for daily press reports on what my Presidential candidate has said wherever he is in the country.  I'm a participant on his website using blog features, finding nearby supporters, fact-checking and setting smears straight.

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