
What are you doing to help keep pollution down?

by  |  earlier

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Let me know what you think should be changed and what you are doing to help keep the air clean. Why? Cause it may help you think green and I need your opinion for my research essay. Thanks!




  1. I don't do nothing. I leave all of my lights, TV, radio, and computer on 24 hours a day. I litter all the time. I waste water. Also I drive a hummer.

  2. cut consumption

  3. i save electricity, water, & i recyle everything. i'm thinking about going vegetarian. but psh. nothing can beat heidi z. lol.


  4. 1. stop this head long rush to ethanol.

    2. recycle paper,magazines, and plastic bags

    3. diet exercise and keep  healthy, so that one will not be a drain on society

    4. demand that manufacturers live up to quality assurance pledges-this takes energy, ( mine) but they do respond-well most of them do  

    5. don't be afraid to do a little thing

    6. vote

    7. write to public officials they do care

    8. be personally thrifty just because you can afford it does not mean you have to have it

    Good Luck

  5. Okay, off the top of my head:

    I buy local organic produce where possible (and if it isnt available, I'll choose the closest geographical location to me)

    I also grow some food.

    I eat vegetarian at least twice a week.

    I shut off lights / water when possible and unplug appliances when I'm not using them (they secretly suck energy)

    I use the fancy energy saving lightbulbs

    I have a low flow toilet / showerhead

    I do not use my car at least twice a week. If I need to get somewhere I use transit or walk. Or I think twice about going out at all.

    I harrass politicians about logging.

    I have vegetation in my yard / keep part of my yard wild.

    Energy production is a big polluter, so the less energy you use, the better. The closer your food is produced, the less carbon emissions to get it to your table. The less you drive, the less emissions you spew into the atmosphere. There are no perfect answers on this one. I hope you get what you are looking for.

  6. well, I'm attempting to become a vegetarian, which is helping the air because meatpacking makes lots of solution. I also bike places or walk sometimes instead of going in the car.

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