
What are you doing to help preserve our environment?

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What are you willing to do or give up?




  1. Boycott gasoline by using a lot less. Just enought to get 2 errands trips in and get to and from work. That's it. If I can walk to where I want to be, then I do, if not, it waits for the next week and gets added to the errands list. Reusing, recycling all glass, paper and cardstock items, cans, plastics. Riding a bike, using public transporation more, which by the way is dirt cheap and you don't have to fight the traffic. If you have some land, grow a small to large vegetable garden, to help with food costs in the summer and put a few things into the freezer for winter. Staying home a lot more, has actually reduced a lot of stress. Use reusable bags instead of plastic, compost vegetable, fruit peelings and garbage. Egg shells and coffee grounds are great for gardens and shrubs. Don't waste water, turn off the tap when brushing, cut shower time down. If you pour a glass of water, drink it all or take less.

    Common sense things. Easy to do.

  2. I am driving my HUGE truck everywhere I can, as fast as I can.  I am doing oil changes in the forest and leaving the oil for the animals to drink.  I am keeping my a/c at 65 degrees in the summer and at 79 in the winter.  I leave all of my appliances running; the tv, the dishwasher, the blender, the stereo, the computer, the blu-ray player and the cuisinart.  I burn all of my trash right across the street from a animal reserve.  And I use styrofoam every chance I get.

  3. Using re-usable grocery bags.  If I accidentally forget them I force myself to go back outside to get them.

    I'm going to buy a scooter.

    I try to do more and more little things--every little thing helps, and when other people see you doing it, it normalizes it.

  4. I'm picking up pieces of litter that I walk past so that little birdies don't eat them and die :)

  5. Actually nothing!

  6. Recycling,  unplugging unused electric things,  carpooling

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