
What are you doing to help stop the global warming?

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What are you doing to help stop the global warming?




  1. Everything I can.

    Learning about the subject and teaching others about it.

    Minimzing my own carbon footprint (i.e. making home as energy efficient as possible, biking or riding an electric moped to work).

    Supporting politicians who make it a top priority.

  2. It is a lie propagated by Gore.

  3. .eat steaks and drink milk and ice cream to help kill all those methane farting cows

  4. I'm using a lot of electricity by spending all day on-line calling people deniers.    Deniers!

    I have three children, they're wonderful, and they don't change the weather.

  5. Not having children and eating a vegetarian diet: two of the greatest impacts that anyone could have, by far.

  6. I try to tell all my friends and family about it and simple ways they can help out.  My family recycles and we try to be energy efficient.  We turn off lights when we aren't in rooms, I unplug thing when they aren't in use, and we're replacing our lightbulbs as they go out.

  7. Consider this: You and 99.9999% of people in the U.S. contribute to "global warming" just by being alive.

    You cannot stop it, you can only lessen your "carbon footprint"

    then, ULTIMATEly, what is the SOLUTION to this problem?

  8. Uhmm well.

    I know this isn't a lot...

    But I always recycle, I always turn off the lights I don't use, I walk whenever I can, and when it comes to water, I always try to minimize it. Like take 5 min showers instead of 15 min showers

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